Steve Screenwriting Resources Page

(The ladies to the right are movie stars,
which I thought was appropriate somehow)

This was a page originally done for myself, mainly so I wouldn't keep looking at my bookmarks and asking, "What the heck is this bookmark for anyway?" The rest of the page is the answer to that question, which is why most of these have a little description attached. It's always under construction (hence the construction sign to the left), but I hope most of these links are still good (if they're not, please notify me via email using the animated email below). I hope you find this page as useful as I do (which is to say, with any sort of luck, a lot of the links you need are here, so you can stop netsurfing and get back to writing, which was my other reason for doing this page --- I'm an eternal netsurfer, especially when I should be working on my scripts).email

As for me, I'm a screenwriter (click here to see some of my credits). Everything above this line is more or less lifted from my screenwriting page (and so is the background)(those films to the left are just a few of mine), which means I whipped this page up pretty quickly using existing graphics, backgrounds, formats, etc. (the lazy man's way of making a quick and easy spare webpage). So my apologies it wasn't fancier, but I'm a screenwriter first, web designer second, and I'd rather be writing. Aesthetic aspects aside, this page does the job it was intended to do: serve as a screenwriting resource for me and anyone else who can use it.


I consider this the most important category on the page, simply because each of the links in this section takes you to yet another page of film- and/or screenwriting-related links, but most of these other pages have an even larger listing of useful links that time and space didn't permit me to code here. Check them out. I think you'll find them very useful (or, failing that, at least interesting):





Webpage designer/programmer: Steve.