People might question the choice made in choosing Speedy as the Pizza Cat leader.  But why would anyone question a cat so dynamic, unique, with such a adorable personality and determination in things he so strongly believes in.

Speedy is the most uplifting cat in the Pizza Cats squad. Able to make someone laugh in his goofy antics, quirky comments, over zealous attitude.  It would take an earthquake to shatter his outgoing personality.

Although Speedy comes across as rather a goof, he always knows when it is time to be serious.  He always manages, sometimes with help, to come out on top.   He leads the Pizza Cats because he knows that he has the ability to do so, and when he is focused, will do an excellent job.

Speedy isn't all work, if he were, he wouldn't be such a loveable cat.   However, he seems to go a bit overboard on occasions.  Speedy gets very easily distracted, especially by Lucille. But for some reason, cannot get the girl he has the most obvious crush on, to like him.  Although Guido may be one thing that stands in his way, Lucille doesn't always seen too terribly interested in him, quite to Speedy's disappointment.

Speedy and Guido are the best of friends, although, in the amount of time they spend fighting, they may as well be brothers.  The two will quarrel over anything, a pizza, a plan, Lucille and in the end, Polly.  Speedy is much more a show off than a smooth talker like Guido.  But the two still remain the best of friends.

Speedy is gifted with the most powerful weapon of the Shoguns, the Magical Ginzu Sword.  A sword that if it fell in the wrong hands, would be devastating.  It's Speedy's greatest treasure, greatest responsibility, and the one thing that gives him that extra special touch in what makes him the dynamic character that he is.

Although not much personal information is given on Speedy, I'll give these some estimate guesses (fact sheet filled out by Speedy).

Full Name:  Speedy Cerviche

Age:  Between 19 and 21 - does it matter?

Hair Color:  If you are lucky enough to get my helmet off,
you can take a look.

Eye Color:  Green/Blue

Height:  3'1"

Shoe Size:  3

Occupation:  Pizza Delivery Person, Samurai Pizza Cat

Close Friends:  Lucille, Guido, and Polly (I suppose)

Favorite Moment:  Just about every time I take down a Big Cheese plot, that and destroying a comet was kinda cool.

Favorite Spot To Relax:  Anywhere to collapse after running from Polly is comfortable enough.

Any Bad Habits:  A bit too easily distracted and a little
over-the-top, freelance style you could say, although that
may not be too bad...
