Hi! If you have Matt news, write to me at matt_rap@hotmail.com.)

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a forum for sharing news among Matt fans.

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Updated 2/3/2000

  • Asked about the Golden Globes loss, Matt replied that he was praying that anyone but him would win, because if he did win, "the backlash would be pretty severe." - from a newscast seen by a big Matt fan. . .

    2/5/2000 2/3/2000 2/2/2000 1/22/2000 1/21/2000 And now one of the most astute analyses of "Ripley", from a posting on a usenet newsgroup - SPOILER ALERT:
  • And the sentiment is echoed in yet another review, as described by a big Matt fan: 1/20/2000 1/19/2000
  • A big Matt fan wrote: From the darkhorizons site: 1/18/2000 1/17/2000 1/16/2000 1/15/2000 A big Matt fan wrote:
    Dropped by the mag stand yesterday. That photo of Matt in movieline was one nice old ones, the black and white lean-faced Matt looking to the side. I breezed through Ben's Premier article, and I have to say, he comes across as impressively self-aware of how he comes across interviews--pseudointellectual and frat boy obnoxious. Anyway, one thing he does say is that after seeing TTMR and ATPH, he thinks Matt is one of the best, if not THE best actor of his generation.
    And, my EW arrived yesterday. The issue previews the films of the coming year, and there's a small section on Matt's films, ATPH and Bagger Vance. It mentions that he and Billy Bob Thornton used to take batting practice together during the shoot. Yet another example of how Matt has bonded with a great director.
    (Click here to see a scan of the section mentioned).


    1/13/2000 I have fallen in love with the Ripley sound track - the first 3 cuts anyway. I have been listening to it all day. The Tu Vuo Fa L'Americano song was what I looked forward to when I finally got the tape in the mail. But when I listened to it in my car, I was stunned by how well Matt did "Funny Valentine". If you have seen it, you know the movie gave the song just a minute's time, it seems. But when listened on tape, that little piece really is quite enchanting. I have always loved Matt's voice, but I thought (from watching clips of his singing the song) that his voice was wobbly. Indeed it was, but when listened in total, it came across as sensuous and natural, just like his acting. And that was immediately followed on the tape by the all-too-short piece of Italiano: 3 stanza played with 3 different arrangements that, in 3 different ways, transport me to Italy - the jolly corners of Naples, the sparkling, idyllic, sun-drenched waters, and on a gondola in Venice. Like good wine, this music gets better with time.

    The IMDB reviews have gotten more and more favorable on Matt's performance. I have a sense that this is so with the movie-loving people in general. I don't hear anymore about who's more gorgeous than whom (and maybe I just don't look for that kind of talk), but the praise on Matt's acting seems to be getting louder each day.

    I also heard that Ripley is still doing well, at #2 in the B.O. yesterday.

    In the latest Movieline - a b&w pic (not new, but nice) of Matt is in there. There's also a blurb about Bagger Vance. And in a rather spicy interview of James Wood, guess who he named as an actress that has caught his eyes? None other than Ms. Ryder, said to have a "supernatural beauty" by Mr. Wood. Watch out, Matty!


    1/11/2000 Gifts from Felicity: 1/10/2000 1/9/2000 1/6/2000 1/5/2000 1/4/2000 1/2/2000 1/1/2000 Happy New Year. I have archived last month's items. If you missed reading all the exciting Ripley news, click here.

    Don't forget that E! is supposed to show Ripley behind-the-scene this Sunday 1-2-2000.

    Wrote Felicity:

    (I might add that Ben Affleck reportedly gets $10M per pic. It's clear that money is not Matt's object - he wants good roles, and he has been getting them. My hat is off to him - another reason why I admire him so.)
    This is a no-frills web site dedicated to a weekly (or so) column on Matt Damon , the actor.
    The columns are written by a fan of the actor and are stricly for the reading pleasure of others who admire Matt. Each column will address a specific topic, along with tidbits and news on Matt.
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