Hi! If you have Matt news, write to me at matt_rap@hotmail.com.)

Welcome to the Matt Damon Column,
a forum for sharing news among Matt fans.

Updated 1/31/2001

Good Will Hunting to air on ABC this President's Day 2/19

(This photo) is an MIT building with its windows lit to form Oscar the day after Matt & Ben won for GWH - thanks to Rutso for sharing this find.
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1/31/01 1/29/01 1/29/01
Thank goodness for Felicity, coming through with goodies on these quiet days: 1/27/01 1/25/01 1/24/01 1/23/01 1/22/01
Sunday, January 21, 2001 Los Angeles Times
Something Familiar This Way Comes
In a potentially turbulent year, the studios are betting on what they hope will be Sure Things--even more remakes, sequels and epics than usual.
By RICHARD NATALE 1/21/01 1/20/01 1/18/01 1/18/01 1/17/01 1/16/01 1/15/01 1/14/01 1/13/01 1/12/01
Felicity's bountful finds: 1/8/01 1/7/01
Holidays are over and news is slowing down, and so updates on this site will likely be less frequent for the forseeable future, probably at most once a day. But rest assure that if something big comes up about Matt, you will hear it here. 1/6/01 1/5/01 1/4/01 1/3/01 - continued 1/3/2001 1/2/2001 1/1/2001 12/31/00 - part 2 12/31/00 12/30/00 12/29/00
This is a no-frills web site dedicated to a weekly (or so) column on Matt Damon , the actor.
The columns are written by a fan of the actor and are stricly for the reading pleasure of others who admire Matt. Each column will address a specific topic, along with tidbits and news on Matt.
Readers' emails are welcome. Write to me at matt_rap@hotmail.com.
Guest columns are invited. If you have a column that you want to be considered to be published here, write me.

Click on a column

I hope you enjoy this site. Sorry if you looked for Matt photos in vain. If you like photos, see http://www.absolutepictures.com/d/damon_matt/index.html, which has an excellent photo gallery.
Some good sources of Matt Info
The greenlight project link: The site created by Matt and Ben for online screenplay submission.
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