Hi! If you have Matt news, write to me at matt_rap@hotmail.com.)

Welcome to the Matt Damon Column,
a forum for sharing news among Matt fans.

Updated 11/1/2000

"Bagger Vance" premiere

photo from http://jamshowbiz.com/

"That Matt Damon is going places", Gregory Peck, 1998. . .

11/1/2000 10/30/00 10/29/00 Felicity's finds:
I love the weekend before a movie comes out - lots of press, and no idea of how the movie's actually going to do. Today, profiles in the NY Post and the Boston Globe. 10/28/00 10/27/00 10/26/00 10/25/00 10/24/00 10/22/00 10/20/00 10/19/00 10/18/00 10/17/00 Felicity again: 10/16/00 Latest news from Felicity: 10/15/00 Felicity came through again - 10/14/00 10/12/00 10/11/00 10/10/00 10/9/00 10/7/00
Notes from Felicity: 10/3/00 Felicity's finds:
  • A Big Matt Fan wrote:
    By the way, anyone notice that they've started airing BAGGER VANCE commercials? They aren't especially compelling, but hopefully, they'll get better. Here in LA, the posters are going up everywhere, so I guess the marketing has begun. FYI: Charlize is on the cover of the latest VOGUE, but there's nothing of any real interest in the article 10/2/00 A Big Matt Fan wrote on 9/29: According to today's VARIETY, Chris Cooper (AMERICAN BEAUTY, LONE STAR, A TIME TO KILL) will join THE BOURNE IDENTITY in the role of an Ivy League professor. I'm sure Matt must be pleased. In past interviews, he has listed Cooper as one of the actors he admires most.
  • Goodies from Felicity:
    From Val: 9/28/00 9/27/00 My thanks to all who wrote about the greenlight project. Read on.
    This is a no-frills web site dedicated to a weekly (or so) column on Matt Damon , the actor.
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