Hi! If you have Matt news, write to me at matt_rap@hotmail.com.)

Welcome to the Matt Damon Column,
a forum for sharing news among Matt fans.

Updated 11/29/2000

All the Pretty Horses to open on Christmas; trailer now online.
"Bagger Vance" photos
"All the Pretty Horses" photos

"That Matt Damon is going places", Gregory Peck, 1998. . .

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All's quiet again. If you haven't yet, check out a Q&A with Matt that appeared on the TNN-roughcut site.

Not a whole lot of news. Val sent in this item:
Ben Affleck is promoting BOUNCE this week beginning with an interview w/ Diane Sawyer this morning on GMA and on PRIMETIME Thursday. [Diane is a HUGE Ben fan]. This morning's talk was a bit subdued, almost sad, as Ben said he felt very sad when he saw BOUNCE recently. He hesitated when Diane asked him why he felt sad. Then she answered that question for him by asking/stating that in the movie, Abby and Buddy have a happy ending, but in real life, Ben and Gwyn don't end up together. I had never seen Ben looking so sullen and emotional in any interview before. He is always mouthing off and joking.
Anyhow there is a possibility Matt may come up in the converation in the Primetime interview. He will also be on Jay Leno on Thursday night. Charlize Theron will be on Leno on Wednesday--she may be promoting THE YARDS this time out. 11/12/00

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This is a no-frills web site dedicated to a weekly (or so) column on Matt Damon , the actor.
The columns are written by a fan of the actor and are stricly for the reading pleasure of others who admire Matt. Each column will address a specific topic, along with tidbits and news on Matt.
Readers' emails are welcome. Write to me at matt_rap@hotmail.com.
Guest columns are invited. If you have a column that you want to be considered to be published here, write me.

Click on a column

I hope you enjoy this site. Sorry if you looked for Matt photos in vain. If you like photos, see the Unofficial Matt Damon site or this site.
Some good sources of Matt Info
The greenlight project link: The site created by Matt and Ben for online screenplay submission.
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