From Kathryn:
Various things from this month's edition of Empire:
FIRST LOOK: Ocean's 11
THE PITCH: George, Brad, and Julia are the new Rat Pack
THE TALENT: Steven Soderbergh (director), the above, plus Andy Garcia, Matt Damon, Don Cheadle
ETA: January 2002
After Traffic nabbed its director the Oscar, Steven Soderbergh decided his next gig would mark a visual change. "Ocean's is a different way of shooting than what I've been doing for the last few years, culminating in Traffic, which was a very down and dirty kind of film. This was exactly the opposite. I thought it should be a very composed and theatrical kind of film." Judging by the funky trailer, the results are certainly going to swing, but being both cinematographer and director on such a complex project wasn't easy. "There were a lot of times," Soderbergh smiles wryly, "when, as cinematographer, I was waiting for the director to figure out exactly what he wanted to do."
Also from Empire:
Oscars 2002 - It's Never Too Early...
The article begins with speculation on current releases as possible contenders - Harry Potter, Moulin Rouge, AI, etc, then "...if the Academy is looking for a certifiable crowd pleaser to fill one of the Best Picture slots, odds are it will come from one of two all-star projects: Steven Soderbergh's Ocean's 11 or Cameron Crowe's Vanilla Sky". It's interesting to note, though, that in their 'tips for the Big Four' column, O11 is dumped in favour of Vanilla Sky for Best Picture. Their other possible contenders are The Shipping News, Ali, Lord of the Rings and The Majestic.
Here's their trailer review (as mentioned in the first article):
Ocean's 11
Yes, it's all a bit Out of Sight - Clooney the lovable rogue, Julia Roberts the Lopez-a-like - but that can only be a plus. Throw in that stellar cast (Matt Damon, Brad Pitt) and a super-sexy mood, and this has smash hit written all over it. Five stars.
Also in Empire is a review of Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back (reviewer called it "uneven", but
"Matt Damon and Ben Affleck stand out, seen here on the 'set' of GWH 2, bitching about their careers"); and an article on the film ("a bickering Matt and Ben turn up in a scurrilous GWH spoof").
I also found a very insightful and humorous 011 article on Fametracker
(a link to it was located in the George Clooney thread). Here's :
the URL. Near the end, Matt "acknowledges" his "hunk" status
(courtesy of George Clooney and one of those pocket books which capitalise on that status).