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a forum for sharing news among Matt fans.
Updated 4/30/2000
"That Matt Damon is going places", Gregory Peck, 1998.
Thus wrote a big Matt fan:
For those of you who weren't able to download the sound on the Sony site, here's what Matt had to say in the preview:
"When I got the script and saw that it was very similar to the book, I was excited that I had any kind of chance to be near this project. I heard Billy Bob was going to be involved and so it turned from interest to excitement."
I have to say, Matt looks absolutely adorable in the clips. In some, he's almost too handsome for the role. This promises to be a great looking film.
(My note: I don't doubt that Matt is smashing looking in this film.
Judging from the pictures I have seen so far, this is really going
to be something. Unfortunately, there will be the usual hacklers
who will criticize Matt for being too pretty for the role.)
From USA Today's summer previews (only top 10 or so were previewed in this much detail):
The Legend of Bagger Vance (Aug. 4)
The goods: Robert Redford gets behind the camera for a story about a disillusioned World War I veteran who reluctantly learns to play golf. Capt. Rannulph Junah (Matt Damon) finds the game futile until caddie Bagger Vance (Will Smith) shows him the secret of the golf stroke -- the key to mastering any life challenge.
Why it might sell: Redford has turned in critically praised
movies such as Quiz Show and The Horse Whisperer, but neither
was a runaway hit. This time, though, he has a cast of Hollywood
hotties. In addition to Damon and Smith, there's Charlize Theron
(The Cider House Rules) as Damon's love interest.
Why it might not: It is, after all, a (yawn) period film, and the guys may look silly in golf breeches. Plus, the contemplative game of golf might not be suited to the run-and-gun summer movie season. -- E.S.
Matt didn't show at Winona's Film Festival dinner, but she was asked where he was (a late no-show), and said no comment.
Serious stuff from star magazine:
Check mates
No matter which young and wealthy actor is hotter at the moment,
Matt Damon and best pal Ben Affleck always treat each other like
equals. The guys had a power lunch at L.A.'s famous Morton's
restaurant the other day. When the $50 check came, they didn't
try to show off and fight over the tab. Instead, they calculated
exactly what each had ordered right down to the last dime,
and each paid (his) share.
By way of Felicity:
And Liz Smith in the Post is as supportive as always:
THE INS and outs, ups and downs of celebrity coupling are always hard to keep accurate track of. Matt Damon and Winona Ryder, for example. Whether these two are together, apart or drifting aimlessly, I can tell you this, with a fair amount of certainty: Damon and his recent co-star, Penelope Cruz, are not romantically involved. Not now, at any rate. (I have to add this qualifier because, well, because life is what it is.)
Damon's press reps are useless when it comes to answering questions concerning his personal life, though I tried. (It's PMK, darlings; their clients don't have personal lives, don'tcha know.) But Matt's friends insist he is a true blue kinda guy and did not stray the Penelope way. Matt and Winona? I don't know. They looked glowy at the Oscars, but she is no fragile butterfly, despite her ethereal Mona Lisa smile. If anybody's nursing love wounds, it ain't Winona, say insiders.
Here's a really lovely quote from that other Affleck, Casey (from hollywood.com):
For inspiration, Casey turns not to his superstar sibling but to Ben's writing partner, frequent co-star and pal, Matt Damon.
"He's been a big influence on me. Mainly because I think he's the best actor of my generation. It's nice to know somebody very well who is also a brilliant actor. It gives you a rare insight."
News from Felicity:
Big discovery today was some Pretty Horses footage at the Sony site. I've tried to find this before (under the 2000 movies section), but didn't have the right software packages on my cafe computers. But finally today's one did, and there's great stuff there if you can access it.
Go to the 2000 movies section, and put your cursor over Matt's ATPH photo and the caption. A section on the lower half of the screen should appear, with various options including cast, photos and footage. There's about 8 photos (Matt, Penelope and lots of horses), and then about three minutes of footage (Matt, Penelope and lots of horses). I can't get sound access yet, but it's a series of shots mixed in with interviews of cast and crew. Janella - can you check it out and transcribe parts of it for us?? Includes shots of Matt and Penelope dancing, Matt breaking in the horses etc. And lots more horses.
From the NY Daily News:
Damon Throws Ryder For 'Horses' Co-Star
It's splitsville for Matt Damon and Winona Ryder.
They have ended their two-year relationship, and it had nothing to do with reports that Ryder was seeing Mark Wahlberg.
Rather, it turns out, Damon has been seeing someone else � screen siren Penelope Cruz, with whom he starred in the upcoming "All the Pretty Horses."
Damon and Cruz became friendly during the making of the movie and started seeing each other soon after, I'm told.
Ryder and Damon, who were away together on a Roman holiday, returned a little more than a week ago to reports that he was fixated on Wahlberg after hearing that his "Three Kings" co-star might have had a fling with Ryder. Reps for everyone involved vehemently denied the story.
But now comes the breakup. Damon's rep couldn't reach the actor, but she was unaware of any new developments in the actor's personal life. Cruz' rep said Damon and the actress "are just friends." Ryder's rep declined comment.
(My note: My thanks to all who wrote to report this piece of news.
We will see.)
From the summer preview at reel.com and Jeff Wells:
The Legend of Bagger Vance (DeamWorks, 8/4)
Then (Dec column write-up): Nothing.
Now: The Robert Redford-directed golf fantasy with Matt Damon and Will Smith, screened a couple of nights ago to a half-mixed, half-favorable response. Needs a little tinkering, apparently. Tries for Field of Dreams vibe. Charlize Theron came away with especially good marks for her performance.
More on the alleged split, from Wendy:
I just watched my tape of
Entertainment Tonight, and WInona's reps have confirmed that M & W are no
longer together. They talked of reports that Matt has taken up with his ATPH
co-star Penelope Cruz. Matt's reps did not confirm or deny it, telling ET
they "do not comment on their clients personal lives", and Penelope's reps
said they are "just good friends" (but haven't we all heard this before).
And from a big Matt fan:
Did Matt Dump Winona Into a Money Pit?
Winona Ryder's drained savings account could be the source of her breakup with golden boy Matt Damon. A new twist in the gossip tornado surrounding the couple says that Damon encouraged his girlfriend to invest over $1 million with the recently indicted celebrity swindler, Dana Giacchetto.
Yesterday, the former money manager was charged with securities fraud in New York. Giacchetto allegedly took over $9 million from his clients, among them Damon, his pal Ben Affleck, and Leonardo DiCaprio. Now Ryder may be part of the turmoil. Page Six of the New York Post says that Damon urged her to dump a heavy portion of her savings into Giacchetto's doomed Cassandra Group. Bad call. Page Six claims that when Ryder got burned on the bad investment, she deemed it a good excuse to split with Damon.
Though reps for the couple were mostly mum about their relationship squabbles yesterday morning, it seems that there is definitely a communication breakdown. Entertainment Tonight got word from Winona's folks that she and Damon are indeed no longer together, while his camp refused to comment on the actor's personal life. His rumored affair with All the Pretty Horses co-star Pen�lope Cruz is still being denied by her reps, who declare that the two are "just friends."
Reuters contributed to this story.
Kathryn (thanks!) wrote to point out that
an early review of Bagger Vance appeared on the AICN site.
And Matt's performance was praised by this reviewer.
A reader wrote:
Don't know if you've heard about this already, but Matt's up for Best Villain at
the MTV Movie Awards. Also, "Tu Vuo Fa L'Americano" is nominated for Best
Musical Performance.
(My note: No, I didn't know that Ripley has gotten noms from
MTV - as a matter of fact. My thanks for the news. I think
Matt was also mentioned in Cosmopolian(?) as the best (or most adorable)
psycho of the year, for Ripley. Sigh, an Oscar would have
been better.)
News from Felicity:
The (plainly wrong but quite funny) story continues. From the NY Daily News:
Winona Ryder did not two-time boyfriend Matt Damon by sleeping with Mark Wahlberg, say reps for the trio. One of Wahlberg's handlers says he has never even stayed in L.A.'s Argyle Hotel, where the tryst supposedly took place. Damon and Ryder, just back from a vacation together, say through their representatives that a report of a tortured love triangle is rubbish.
There's an article on Billy Bob Thornton in the upcoming Men's Journal if someone wants to check it out.
The Titan AE poster is at darkhorizons.
From the Mr Showbiz summer preview:
The Legend of Bagger Vance
Opens: Aug. 4
Estimated Budget: $70 million
Studio: DreamWorks
The Players:
Starring Will Smith, Matt Damon, Charlize Theron, and Jack Lemmon; directed by Robert Redford.
The Plot: To publicize the opening of a golf course, a World War I hero (Matt Damon) is asked to shoot three rounds against a pair of famous golfers, Walter Hagen and Bobby Jones. Helping him compete is Bagger Vance (Will Smith), a wise caddy whose advice comes from a realm far beyond the fairway.
The Buzz: Damon is coming off a great turn in The Talented Mr. Ripley and seems to be living up to his Golden Boy status (his buddy Ben Affleck, on the other hand, has yet to prove he can carry a picture). Pairing him with perennial boy of summer Smith is a stroke of genius on the part of Redford (who knows something about being a Golden Boy himself). The funny thing is, both Smith and Damon are second choices. Redford originally wanted to play Damon's role himself, then offered it to Brad Pitt, whom he directed in A River Runs Through It. While Pitt was considering the project, Redford had an eye on Morgan Freeman (Pitt's co-star in Seven, don't forget) to play Bagger Vance. Freeman fell out of the picture after Pitt took a pass, opening the door for the present dream duo. The role is an interesting choice for Smith, who seems to be increasingly shying away from the action flicks that made him one of Hollywood's most bankable stars. But the man has demonstrated his acting chops before (most notably in Enemy of the State and Six Degrees of Separation) and should flourish under Redford's thoughtful direction. And finally, someone has to say it: 70-freaking-million clams for a period golf movie with mystical overtones?! (Who knew a location shooting in Georgia and South Carolina could be so pricey?) Redford better make sure his stars smile until their cheeks lock if he expects to make back DreamWorks' investment.
Holy Shot: The film is based on scripter Steve Pressfield's mystical novel, which itself is a reworking of The Bhagavad-Gita, a Hindu religious text in which a warrior receives instruction from a Hindu god embodied as a charioteer. Not surprisingly, the National Council of Hindu Temples has recently voiced concern about how the holy text is interpreted in the film. The name Bagger Vance, by the way, derives from Bhagavad � a Hindu word for deity.
Titan A.E.
Opens: June 16
Estimated Budget: $75 million
Studio: Fox
The Players:
Starring the voices of Matt Damon, Drew Barrymore, Bill Pullman, Janeane Garofalo, Nathan Lane, John Leguizamo, Ron Perlman, and Tone-Loc; directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman.
The Plot: In the year 3028 Earth is destroyed by an alien race called the Drej. Among the survivors, left to wander homeless among the stars, is a teenager named Cale (voiced by Matt Damon). Cale has a map (imprinted on his hand by his father) to an "earthship" called The Titan. This mysterious vessel may hold the key to salvation for the ragtag remnants of the human race. Can Cale find it with only a motley band of alien outcasts and a sassy teenage girl (voiced by Drew Barrymore) to assist him?
The Buzz: Believe it or not, this eagerly anticipated sci-fi adventure
was co-written by Ben Edlund, best known as the creator of that comic book anti-superhero (and Saturday-morning sensation), The Tick. ("He's nigh invulnerable!") Edlund's collaborator, Randall McCormick, has a decidedly less intriguing resume � he co-wrote Speed 2: Cruise Control. Whatever the unusual genesis of its screenplay, Titan A.E. springs from time-tested animation roots. Directors Don Bluth and Gary Goldman last collaborated on Fox's big-ticket holiday 'toon Anastasia, and their track record includes The Land Before Time, An American Tail, and The Secret of NIMH. Titan A.E. aims for a broader audience than just parents and children, and it combines elements of both traditional and CGI animation, which should make it considerably cheaper than a live-action production of the same story would be. As Fox exec Chris Meledandri explains, "It's a daring story-line, but fitting that you'd use animation to tell this story. The imagery would be too costly to realize in live action
� And this group of actors we've put together is about the finest assembled for an animated film." (Well, at least since the last Disney summer extravaganza.) The promotional run-up has been nothing short of event-level: Fox began aggressively marketing the film over a year ago, and the fully tricked-out Web site includes an interactive spaceship game. Hasbro is onboard to provide action figures, and Fox recruited Alanis Morissette's producer, Glen Ballard, to produce a kick-ass soundtrack album including original cuts from such groups as Lit, Powerman 5000, The Urge, and Texas.
Split Personality: Any project this large attracts its share of ominous whispers. Titan rumors have run the gamut from rather routine reports of subpar animation to rumblings that the production crew was trimmed by nearly two-thirds during filming. The most solid sordid scuttlebutt holds that Fox initially planned to make the entire film using CGI animation, but mounting production costs forced them to supplement with traditional handmade cels. A number of deflated online scoopers have reported that the final effect is somewhat "Saturday morning cartoon."
From Quentin Curtis in the Daily Telegraph (UK) about the future of Dreamworks:
The {summer} line-up has Spielberg's stamp, which is to say it is intelligent mainstream, with, for Hollywood, an unusual emphasis on writers' visions. This summer DreamWorks will release the comedies Meet the Parents (starring Robert De Niro and Ben Stiller) and Road Trip, as well as Robert Zemeckis's supernatural thriller What Lies Beneath. There is already Oscar talk about Robert Redford's resonant golf picture The Legend of Bagger Vance. A more likely contender, in my view, is Cameron Crewe's partly autobiographical Stillwater, based on his experience as a 15-year-old reporter covering rock bands for Rolling Stone. Later on, there may be Sam Mendes's The Look Out, a script that Mendes is helping writer Scott (Out of Sight) Frank to rework, which has something of American Beauty's offbeat mixture of noir and poignancy.
A fellow web-keeper wrote:
Just wanna tell ya that
mattdamon.com has been updated :o)
A Matt fan wrote:
Ok, in a way you have to kinda know me in order for this to be as funny as
it actually was to me, but anyway.
I imagine you have all heard about the recent Matt Damon/Winona Ryder rumors:
1) fighting at the Oscars
2) Matt sparring with Russel Crow over his alleged "friskiness with Winona."
But this story topped everything:
Driving in this morning, I heard on the radio, 96.3 FM (Detroit) the supposed
"Entertainment Headlines," one of which was the alleged story behind Matt and
Noni's recent troubles. The announcer claims that the problem is that Winona
Ryder hooked up with Mark Wahlberg. The scoop is that Matt became obsessed
with Mark Walberg after Walhberg did the Three Kings film and then got the
role in "The Perfect Storm." So, apparantly they claim he is worried because
they are both from Boston, but Mark is from the "streets" and Matt went to
Harvard and thus, the fear is that Matt will lose roles to Mark, because
directors will think he is too "prissy." (Then some guy announcer started
saying how Matt looked like a prissy 9 year old in Ripley.) Matt became so
obsessed that Winona got worried and went over to Walhberg's to "difuse the
situation," and ended up "doing him." & Now Matt is really pissed.
Alright, so then my buddy Stacey calls me and says in her best GWH voice,
"Let's go up to Harvard and beat up some smart kids." So, I fire back in my
best Mat voice, "Yeah man, well I'm calling Ben and my possee and we are
gonna kick the funky bunch outta that guy! Hold me back Ben!"
It just cracks me up that:
a) Apparantly some people think Matt's life resembles an episode of Melrose
b) Anyone would think that Matt Damon would obsess over not being hard enough
and finally,
c) that Winona Ryder is a woman of loose morals.
d) Anyone would care enough to even make up such a tale.
anyway, it made me laugh.
One with your day.
(My note: I think we should take it as a good sign that people think enough
about Matt to make up stupid stories like that. Apparently this
talk stemmed from a NY Post story - read on.)
Goodies from Felicity:
From AICN:
This from ITN in the UK...
'Cruise, Damon & Affleck; war film's dream team?
Hollywood heartthrobs Tom Cruise, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck could apparently team up to star in a World War Two blockbuster about Colditz. Movie mogul Harvey Weinstein is the money man behind the project, which will undoutedly prove a winner with such big name involvement.
The castle prison, near Leipzig in Germany, was deemed to be so escape proof that the Nazis sent their most troublesome prisoners there.
But inmates did break out and wrote books about their experiences in the ghastly castle compound.
It is believed Weinstein wants to pay tribute to Colditz inmates with a major blockbuster movie and what better way to ensure a hit than by enlisting the talents of the three star actors.
Weinstein's studio Miramax is reported to have acquired the rights to escapee Major Pat Reid's books.
A film of his experiences at Colditz was made in the 1970s starring John Mills as the prisoner of war.
Miramax is said to have also secured other material on the castle's wartime history and has contacted Cruise, Damon and Affleck who are interested.
Weinstein is thought to be keen for UK actors Jude Law, Ewan McGregor and Johnny Lee Miller to fill the British roles but they have yet to be contacted'
The full trailer for Titan AE is now at darkhorizons.
Somehow, Matt has made it to my local (Australian) magazine's list of the 25 most beautiful people in the world (with Elle, Kevin Spacey and Annette Bening amongst others). That will mean there's a nice photo to go with a positive story. I'll get my sources to send me a copy ASAP!
Did you read this Liz Smith piece in the Post (she does like him!):
NOTHING LIKE a good confrontation between big stars, I always say. US Weekly's gossips, Marc Malkin and Marcus Baram, report a good one this week: It seems that after Ed Limato's pre-Oscar party several weeks back, "Gladiator" star Russell Crowe flirted a bit too heavily with Winona Ryder.
Ryder objected, and her boyfriend, Matt Damon, also objected - strongly. Crowe retreated, cursing, according to M & M.
Ah, well. Crowe, so brilliant in "The Insider," is known for rough and ready Aussie ways. And Miss Ryder, so pale, so delicate, and yet so bodacious in all the right places, has been known to drive men - those weak creatures - to distraction.
I saw Damon and Ryder on Oscar night: They make a beautiful-looking couple, though their temperaments seem to differ. He is gregarious. At Harvey Weinstein's annual pre-awards cocktail party, Damon greeted all comers and stood in an area where he didn't miss a soul coming in. (He had such an in-depth conversation with Meryl Streep, I wondered if there aren't plans afoot for them to work together.) Ryder, however, is shy, and never seems too comfortable at public events. But happy they do look!
Also from the NY Post (lead story - urgh!)
THE Hollywood rumor mill is buzzing that the reported rift between Winona Ryder and Matt Damon occurred because she slept with his hometown rival Mark Wahlberg.
Damon - who, like Wahlberg, is from Boston - supposedly became obsessed with the former Calvin Klein underwear model, to the point where Damon began tracking Wahlberg's movements around the country and even his meals, talking about him constantly.
According to insiders, Damon feels that Wahlberg is more "real," coming from the streets of Boston instead of a Harvard background, and Matt is concerned Wahlberg will get parts that directors feel the "Talented Mr. Ripley" star is too prissy to play.
Damon's growing obsession with Wahlberg became unsettling to Ryder, sources say, so when he made a recent trip to L.A., she found out where Wahlberg was staying and went to talk to him about defusing the situation.
"Wahlberg was oblivious," says our source. "She took it upon herself to go and talk to him about it." Unfortunately, after she'd spent some time with the hunky actor in his suite at the trendy Argyle Hotel on Sunset Boulevard, she succumbed to his charms.
Later, she was unable to conceal her infidelity from Damon, who was doubly furious that she'd cheated with the object of his now apparently justified paranoia.
"This is ridiculous," says Ryder's rep Mara Buxbaum. "I've never heard anything about this. I have no idea. I can't get in touch with her because she's out of the country."
Wahlberg's manager, Steve Levinson, did not return calls.
"This sounds like the dumbest story I've ever heard," says Damon's rep Jennifer Glaisek. "It's ridiculous. I was with Matt for three weeks in Europe last month and I never heard Mark Wahlberg's name brought up once." Glaisek says Damon and Ryder are on vacation together. "I can't tell you where."
The vacation may be an attempt to patch things up before it's too late; there have been reports of an Oscar-time rough patch occasioned by an over-insistent Russell Crowe. [See Liz Smith, Page 16.] Winona and Matt are one of Hollywood's reigning young glamor couples, along with Gwyneth Paltrow and Ben Affleck, who have had their share of ups and downs as well.
Fans are hoping they'll be able to reconcile their differences and make it to the altar, as Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman were able to do.
(Noted Felicity: bizarre!! Also
a definite lead there that M&W are out of the country at present
- any guesses on Fiji or somewhere tropical?)
News from Felicity:
From the Winona list there was a story that Matt will be at her side during a black-tie dinner honouring Winona at the San Francisco Film Festival on April 27.
From the Boston Globe:
Fox fumbles yet another
Director Sam Weisman called into ''Kiss 108'' WXKS (107.9) Wednesday to chat up the film he's planning to shoot in Boston this spring with his Newton neighbor, morning host Matt Siegel. The $50 million MGM flick, based on Donald Westlake's book, ''What's the Worst That Can Happen?,'' is to star Danny DeVito and Martin Lawrence, the latter a casting choice Weisman originally didn't like. But the comic, who has been arrested for carrying a loaded gun and punching a man, turned out to be ''a really, really thoughtful guy,'' Weisman said. ''That stuff is really behind him.'' ... Weisman also has a producing credit on another set-in-Massachusetts movie, ''Summer Catch.'' The Warner Bros. film about the Cape Cod Baseball League is now shooting in North Carolina with Freddie Prinze Jr. and Jessica Biel. ''This is a movie I was going to shoot four years ago with Matt Damon,'' said Weisman. What happened? ''The studio, Fox, didn't
believe in Matt Damon, so they dropped it.''
Posted on a usenet newsgroup:
Matt and Winona's Rocky Road
Hollywood has been buzzing since Oscar time that Matt Damon and Winona Ryder have hit a rough patch - word is that Damon has told pals they've called it quits. Well, they may have had some tense times during the Academy Award festivities (Ryder reportedly didn't want to hit all the parties Damon was up for and was heard complaining when he didn't pay enough attention to her), but that didn't mean Damon would stand for other men getting too close to his girlfriend of two years. When Russell Crowe was saying goodbye to Ryder at ICM agency executive Ed Limato's pre-Oscar house party, The Insider star apparently tried to get a bit, well, frisky with the actress. After a shocked Ryder pushed the Aussie actor away, Damon jumped in to tell Crowe to back off, a source tells Hot Stuff. Within minutes, the source says, security guards joined the fray and Crowe stormed away after spewing some obscenities. As for the loud whipers that Damon and Ryder have split, their reps assure us that they're still together - they're currently on a weeklong vacation at an undisclosed locale. In fact, guests at the couple's frequent dinner parties at Ryder's L.A. home say the 28-year-old actress and the 29-year-old actor are even talking about marriage.
Source Us Weekly 4/24/00 page 8 (Sandra Bullock on cover)
From this week's EW, in the Reel World column: (pg. 49)
And Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, who penned Good Will Hunting, might be collaborating again. "We've both had writer's block for two years," says Damon, who hopes to jump-start their creativity by abandoning Halfway House, a script they began years ago, and start anew. "We know we're going to get murdered this time, so we just want to write something we like, and then we'll go out and take our medicine."
A reader wrote:
Have you seen or, more importantly, listenened to the
Titan A.E. trailer at:
There are 2 trailers available there. Only the regular
trailer includes Matt's voice, not the new trailer.
From the LA Times:
There'll be another traffic jam at the end of July and the beginning of August. July 28 brings Universal's "The Klumps," the sequel to the "Nutty Professor" starring Eddie Murphy, as well as the effects-driven "Hollow Man," which will be followed a week later by Disney's comedy "Coyote Ugly," "Bagger Vance" and the Clint Eastwood movie "Space Cowboys."
From Premiere - "Power List":
88. Matt Damon
Rank Last Year: 93
Job Title: Cambridge Cowboy
Status Report: Has worked nonstop (Talented Mr. Ripley, All the Pretty horses, Bagger Vance), and though Oscar snubbed his sensitively sociopathic Ripley, directors love him. Anthony Minghella writing Cold Mountain and Frank Darabont penning The Bijou with him in mind. Spielberg considering him for Cruise's evil brother in Minority Report. Now asking $10 million a movie.
Yes, It's True: Still hasn't bought furniture for or moved into his Manhattan loft.
(So note the big Matt fan, who sent this item in:
"BTW, Gwyneth's at 90, Ben's at 91".)
I'm fairly certain that it's going to be a film called Bijou written by Michael Sloane. It's a romantic comedy. Very much in the Frank Capra vein which is something I've always wanted to do. Make a Frank Capra movie. He's one of my gods. One of my formative influences. It also deals with the House of Un-American Activities hearings. It's a romantic comedy set against the backdrop of the McCarthy hearings. So, it's kind of interesting.
From a production status page on AOL:
BIJOU WB/ Castle Rock D - Frank Darabont rom com about Hollywood writer in the �50s falling for a small town girl
News from Felicity:
From the Boston Globe:
Hot ticket for ART
Department of Matt and Ben: Hey, big spender ... The American Repertory Theatre's p.A.R.T.y 2000 at the Four Seasons Hotel May 5 is shaping up to be the party of the century, albeit a century that is not yet four months old. Tickets, priced at $500 each, sold out in a flash and an ART spokeswoman reports ''dozens and dozens of people on the wait list.'' Why might this be? Aside from all the Bostonians clamoring to donate their money to a worthy cause, the appearances of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck in a David Mamet work-in-progress, as well as a bonus Affleck, Casey, in a new Steve Martin playlet, are rumored to be big draws. So, if you've been shut out, pay heed: Yesterday, a pair of tickets (plus a sleepover at the Four Seasons) went up for bid at www.auctions.boston.com. Retail value: $1,450.
And there's a funny series of three photos in one of the Brit magazines (OK or Hello). They are taken in front of Matt and Ben's production company offices in LA, and it's Ben showing Matt how he can salute and stand to attention after his recent 'boot camp' in Hawaii. Matt's back is to the camera, and it's quite amusing. Both very casually dressed (jeans and shirts).
A big Matt fan relayed this item
Wednesday April 12 6:15 PM ET
Celebrity Money Manager Jailed Pending Trial
By Gail Appleson, Law Correspondent
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Money manager Dana Giacchetto, charged with looting the accounts of his film and rock star clients, was jailed on Wednesday after flying to Las Vegas with $44,000 in first class airline tickets, $4,000 in small bills and an altered passport.
A federal magistrate judge found that Giacchetto, whose former clients included superagent Michael Ovitz, the rock group Phish and actors Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck and Cameron Diaz, violated bail terms, including travel restrictions, that had been set last week. He revoked bail and sent Giacchetto, 37, to prison pending trial.
From AICN, a screening review of "Titan A.E.":
Cale: voice by Matt Damon. What Damon brings is ease and charm to a role that could have been a stubborn and whining main character. You'll like Cale and enjoy going on this adventure with him.
(The overall review was very positive)
Sorry, I've been away for a while. I thank all who wrote.
A Matt fan wrote:
From Tuesday's Boston Globe:
"Boston Globe reporters Dick Lehr and Gerard O'Neill
's soon-to-be-published book about South Boston crime
boss James ''Whitey'' Bulger may be headed for the big
screen after it hits bookstores. Harvey Weinstein 's
Miramax confirmed last week it bought movie rights to
the book, ''Black Mass: The Irish Mob, the FBI and a
Devil's Deal'' (PublicAffairs), which will be
excerpted in an upcoming issue of Talk mag. The New
York Post reports that local guys Matt Damon and Ben
Affleck are rumored to be interested in the script."
Who knows what to make of that? If Miramax has
confirmed, then the reference to Matt & Ben is just
name-dropping, plus a snipe at the NY Post for getting
the story wrong. Unless, of course, there's some
relationship/deal between Miramax and Matt & Ben.
Bostonians and New Englanders are very familiar with
the long saga of Whitey Bulgar, a crook who may have
escaped justice with FBI help, while his brother had a
long and distinguished political career and has ended
up as head of the University of Massachusetts.
News from Felicity:
You've probably all read the reports on the financial adviser charged with threat. What Matt actually lost, from the NY Daily News:
Matt Damon, actor: $100,000 of his money went to pay Bell Atlantic and other bills and cover losses in other accounts. Status of any reimbursement unknown.
Ben Affleck, actor: $20,000 of his money paid American
Express bills. Status of any reimbursement unknown.
From the LA Times:
Giacchetto allegedly had the checks sent to him personally via Federal Express,
endorsing them without authorization. As an example, Giacchetto allegedly had
$100,000 taken out of the account of Damon, star of such films as "The Talented Mr.
Ripley" and "Good Will Hunting."
Giacchetto told authorities from the SEC who later questioned him that Damon had
endorsed the checks, and that the money went into an investment. But the check bears
only Giacchetto's signature, and was deposited into a Cassandra bank account, court papers show.
From the NY Post:
Talk's take on degrees of gaydom
"ARE You Gay Enough?" That's the question the May
issue of Talk poses in a story on the current fascination
with sexually ambiguous males. According to its survey
of "professional urban straight girls," young women are
looking for a man who is "just gay enough," as opposed
to "not quite gay enough" or "just a little too gay." Said
one woman, "you like a man to be manly, but you also
like [him] to have some feminine qualities." You're "just
a little too gay" if "you have twin Jack Russell terriers."
You're "just gay enough" if you "never miss �Felicity'"
and "you know midcentury Modern designs as well as
the box scores." Jude Law, Matt Damon, Edward
Norton, Scott Wolf, and director Spike Jonze are
"just gay enough." The surprise inclusion? James
"Sopranos" Gandolfini, because "he cheats on his
wife, but he's in therapy." Sam Sifton, who wrote the
story, tells PAGE SIX's Steve Garbarino: "I don't own
an iron, which puts me in the �not quite gay enough'
camp. However, I can spot a Gucci pump at 50 paces.
I'd put myself between [New York magazine deputy
editor] Maer Roshan and [Maximum Golf editor]
Michael Caruso." Retorts the openly-gay Roshan:
"Gee, I couldn't identify a Gucci pump. Maybe Sam
isn't giving himself enough credit."
Read more about this article
In the latest In Style magazine there's a small story on how Matt supposedly almost lost the Ripley role because the director didn't like that Matt bit his nails. In the article Matt's agent says that a director would never make a decision like that, and he doesn't bite his nails anyway. But there's a cute photo with the story. And there's also a photo of Matt in their Sundance section.
I finally found Architectural Digest, which has a good eight page (approx.) spread on Bagger Vance. Quite a few shots of Charlize Theron in period dress, and a new one of Matt in the dressing sheds before the match. Worth checking out - also a long article.
The new Premiere (Russell Crowe cover) is out soon, and includes the Power List. It will be interesting to see the rise/falls of Matt and Ben (perhaps).
And just a thought: It's almost Cannes nominations time again. What chances ATPH being ready (or at least previewed)?? I think the main event is mid-May.
From the NY Daily News:
Good Director Hunting
"Good Will Hunting" Oscar winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck want to help other young film makers get their shot. And make a TV series about it, to boot.
The pair have been pitching network execs on a reality show that would follow a first-time director bringing his script to life.
"We're putting up a Web site where anybody who has a screenplay can submit it," Damon tells us. "The only rule is that you have to read two other screenplays and rate them.
"Once we get down to a certain number of finalists, we're going to read them and pick five. They'll shoot five minutes of their movie on digital cameras. The one we choose will get a $1 million budget from Miramax to make their movie." Working title for the show: "Greenlight".
I really liked that Architectural Digest magazine - great photos,
nice story - interesting about the different colour-tones to be
used throughout - from black/white to sepia etc.
That will be a challenge to pull off.
From the NY Daily News:
Tale of a Tattoo
Has "Girl Interrupted" star Angelina
Jolie interrupted the
romance between
Billy Bob Thornton and Laura Dern?
Last weekend, our spies spotted the
Oscar-winning Jolie bowling in L.A. with
Matt Damon, Matthew McConaughey
and their "All the Pretty Horses" co-star
Jolie was sporting a new tattoo proclaiming
"Billy Bob."
"She said she'd just gotten it," a witness tells
us. "She said she'd always loved him."
Another source says Jolie and Thornton "have been seeing each
other for months."
On Tuesday, we called Thornton's publicist, Michelle Beaga, to
check on the status of his romance with Dern, for whom he left his
wife. "They're still together, as far as I know," Beaga said.
But yesterday Beaga confirmed that the couple, who co-star in the
coming film "Daddy and Them," had broken up. "I don't know any
more than that," she added.
The manager for Jolie, who reportedly got a tiny tattooed "H"
when she dated Tim Hutton, didn't return calls.
In an item about a new online script service:
Members of ScriptShark's Steering Committee include Todd Lieberman, Vice President at Hyde Park; Doug Davison, Vice President at Mad Chance; Mark
Morgan, Vice President at Destination; Mark Sourian, Chief Executive Officer at Dreamworks; Kerry Foster, Vice President at USA Films; and Kent Kubena,
Director of Development at Matt Damon and Ben Affleck's Pearl Street Productions.
For your info: there is a release date for Bagger Vance in Australia (October 19), and Titan AE (December 12 - close to the end of year school holidays). No date for ATPH. All of the Billy Bob articles today (new project with the Coen Brothers)
had ATPH release date as October.
A big Matt fan wrote:
E! News Daily did a story on the start of baseball
season. Apparently, one of the hosts, Jules Asner, is a huge baseball
fan and the segment showed her bringing up the subject with various
celebrities including Matt. They showed footage of him from the
All-Star Hitting Challenge. At what appears to have been Showest,
she eagerly asked him what it was like to be there. He said that
after he played around in the empty stadium, he almost felt jumping
off the roof because life could only be downhill from there. (Bad
paraphrasing on my part.) He looked typically adorable, by the way.
A reader wrote:
There is a picture of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck in the Oscar issue of People
A big Matt fan wrote:
US Weekly has a full page photo of Matt and Ben at the Vanity Fair party. (Sadly, Matt has a cigarette in his mouth.) The accompanying article has this to say, "Winona Ryder and Matt Damon got down to a DJ spinning '70s disco. 'I'm so happy right now,' enthused Damon, who warmly kissed Ryder while on the dance floor. 'I'm really at great place in my life.'"
From the NY Post via Felicity:
JAMES "Whitey" Bulger may still be on the run -- but South Boston's most famous mobster is one step closer to the big screen.
"Black Mass: The Irish Mob, The FBI and a Devil's Deal" by Dick Lehr and Gerard O'Neill sold the film rights months ago, but Harvey Weinstein's Miramax confirmed it was the buyer only late last week.
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, the co-stars of the Academy Award-winning "Good Will Hunting," are rumored to be interested in the script, but Miramax says nobody is officially "attached" to the project at this point. Reps for Damon and Affleck did not return calls by presstime.
The book focuses primarily on "Whitey" Bulger -- the bad Bulger brother--and his role as an Irish mob leader in South Boston, or "Southie."
There is also a "good" Bulger -- younger brother Billy, who served as president of the State Senate in Massachusetts and is now the president of the University of Massachusetts. While his younger brother served the people, Whitey Bulger apparently got away with murder, drug dealing and racketeering. At some point, FBI agent John Connolly allegedly got involved on the crooked side as well. Whitey, apparently, was a protected FBI informant run amok.
"We first broke the story in '88 that Whitey Bulger was an FBI informant, and we were crucified for it -- everyone emphatically denied it," recalls co-author O'Neill, who like Lehr is still at the Boston Globe.
The FBI itself confirmed the story -- nine years later, in 1997. Connolly is now under indictment. Whitey, on the run for the last five years, is on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted list.
PublicAffairs, a unit of Perseus Books, originally purchased all rights to the book for less than $100,000. Paperback rights were sold to HarperCollins, which is owned by News Corp., owner of The Post.
Tina Brown's Talk has grabbed the first serialization rights for its June issue.
From all the rights sales so far, the two Globe reporters stand to split at least $500,000.
"The two writers just about owned the story for the Boston Globe for years, and now it's blossomed into a book, a movie deal and a paperback deal," says PublicAffairs President and Editor-in-Chief Peter Osnos. "We've even sold the rights in Japan to Kadokawa."
The hardcover edition of the book hits in the USA on June 1.
(Noted Felicity:
I think that project was mentioned months back in
a Boston Herald column.)
From an article with William Goldman in the LA Times:
Goldman also wants everyone to know that he did not--repeat not--write the 1997 film "Good Will Hunting."
"That one drives me mad," he said. "People can't believe Matt Damon and Ben Affleck wrote 'Good Will Hunting,' and it's on the Net that I wrote it. I've written over and over, I did not write it. I met with them for one day. Their script had such wonderful stuff in it."
From a big Matt fan:
The most recent Entertainment Weekly has the following items:
In an article about Miramax's "Maxes", there's a photo of Matt talking with Minghella and Kevin Spacey. (See attached.)
In a section on, "Burning Questions: Answers to What Happened to Whitney Houston and Other Unsolved Oscar Mysteries,"
Why wasn't Matt Damon on the arm of his girlfriend, Oscar presenter Winona Ryder? "He's been there the past three years," says his publicist. "So this year he decided to watch it with friends." (Read: Ben Affleck.) Well, at least he hooked Winona up with a good awards-show playmate. Ryder and Damon's All the Pretty Horses costar Penelope Cruz spent the evening chatting in the lobby during commercial breaks.
From, Random Quote: "My deal with God is that God will take care of me on the flights that I can't do anything about." -- Matt Damon, on why he travels by air only if there's no alternative.
Also, did anyone catch today's Entertainment Tonight? They did a piece on Karen Hartman, a woman who finds places for celebrities to stay while they're in LA. They showed this cozy, Beverly Hills condominium decorated in turquoise and yellow in a Southwestern theme. Supposedly, Matt stayed there when coming to LA on business. Explains Hartman, "He wanted to stay in a home. He didn't want to stay in a hotel. He wanted that lived-in feeling. The rug is threadbare, but it looks like people for hundreds of years have walked on it. This is very central to everything, to the studios. You're five minutes from the studios." It looked like a comfortable place, very casual and low key.
(My note: Several readers wrote to mention this segment of ET upcoming up
on Friday 3/31 - unfortunately I wasn't around to spread the word.
Thank you to all who wrote anyway.)4/1/2000
Found on a usenet newsgroup:
29th March 2000
Matt Damon And Winona Ryder Have Split
Hollywood couple WINONA RYDER and MATT DAMON have split after a two- year romance. According to French magazine VOICI, the Good Will Hunting (1997) star broke up with actress Ryder at the beginning of the month, and is no longer sharing a house with her in Beverly Hills. Damon recently arrived on his own to promote his new film Talented Mr. Ripley, The (1999) in Paris, even though he was expected to be with Winona Ryder - who cancelled at the last minute, confirming that they weren't an item anymore. The couple had fuelled reports of a split by arriving individually at Sunday night's Oscar ceremony in Hollywood, where Heathers (1989) star Ryder arrived with another man.
Source: http://us.imdb.com/PeopleNews/
From Army Archerd's column:
Jack Lemmon is now voicing the entire narrative of Robert Redford's ``Bagger Vance'' starring Will Smith and Matt Damon. Lemmon also appears on screen ``in a small part'' as an old golfer who was around at the time of Bobby Jones.
From a Washington Post column on the parties: (at the Vanity Fair party): To the pounding, panting disco beat of "Come Satisfy the Need in Me," we spy Winona Ryder dangerously close to Matt Damon, whose jutting jaw could poke someone's eye out. Barely two feet away on the dance floor is Ed Norton entwined with an emaciated but beautiful Salma Hayek. He can't dance and seriously looks as if he could snap her in half with one false dip.
From the NY Daily News:
Minnie Driver and beau Josh Brolin also situated themselves at a remove from her ex, Matt Damon, who had his arm around Winona Ryder. Damon laughed off talk that they're trying for a baby, shooting down a tabloid sighting of him buying a home pregnancy test at an supermarket.
From the Chicago Sun-Times
OK, so Hilary Swank and Matt Damon look so much alike, especially in the dental area, that they could have been separated at birth. So I was thinking Swank could utilize her gender-bending genius in the next "Alien" movie by playing Sigourney Weaver's husband. Of course, the name of the flick could be "The Talented Mr. Ripley," and from this point forward I'll cut down on the caffeine, I promise.
Yep, actress Penelope Cruz did fall out of her dress for a split second as she disengaged from the exuberant embrace of director Pedro Almodovar. I'm sure it's a moment that will play in freeze-frame infamy on the Internet.
From USA Today, talking about the pre-Oscars Miramax party:
In the crowd: Maguire in one of the few chairs, with a young woman in a pink sweater on his lap, and Damon, telling how he had driven back to L.A. from ShoWest in Las Vegas.
From Ben Affleck on affleck.com
Spent last night watching the Oscars from home (a relief after two hectic years in attendance) and had a great time. The benefits of watching from the comfort and privacy of one's own home are myriad--and until several years ago entirely underappreciated by me.
I did go to a few parties afterward (best of both worlds, I guess) and had fun. Vanity Fair is always a strange and wonderful experience for the bizzarre mix of people it attracts and the Miramax party has become a staple experience for me as of late.
From Liz Smith's column:
Sights and sounds from Oscar night: There was Cher at a post-Academy Award party Sunday, enthusiastically embracing, and being embraced by, the "old" and "new" guard of Hollywood. She was as dazzling and accessible to Matt Damon as she was to Tony Curtis.
Reprise from FoxNews:
From the Miramax Company Picnic: Affleck Affects Weinstein, Tarantino Gives a Seminar
The Miramax All-Stars showed up, of course, on Saturday night at the annual company picnic, otherwise known as the Max Awards. And by that I mean Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Judi Dench, Jude Law, Lasse Hallstrom, Quentin Tarantino, Tobey Maguire, Delroy Lindo, Dylan McDermott (soon to be seen in Texas Rangers), Wes Craven, Om Puri, not to mention Uma Thurman, husband Ethan Hawke, actor Kyle MacLachlan, and this year's Oscar nominee Michael Caine.
Not bad, huh? The only missing members of this troupe were Roberto Benigni, whom I had the pleasure of running into yesterday morning, and Meryl Streep, who doesn't care for this type of public event.
The awards, a funny sort of inside joke gathering for friends and business relations of the Miramax "family," are named dually for Anthony Minghella's son Max and Harvey and Bob Weinstein's late father, Max.
The evening is easily the most fun event of Oscar weekend and the most relaxed. The stars are required to take part in skits written by Miramax executives in which they poke fun at themselves, at the Weinsteins, and the current films.
To that end, Dame Judi Dench found herself playing Dickie Greenleaf to Lasse Hallstrom's Marge Sherwood in the opening beach scene from The Talented Mr. Ripley. Caine took the role of Tom Ripley, who comes upon the couple in their chaises longues. "I'm just a murdering homosexual psychotic," he read from his script and stole the scene. Meanwhile, Dench sipped from a gigantic martini glass and was extremely droll.
In another sketch, special guest Kevin Spacey took on Charlize Theron's role from The Cider House Rules in a blonde wig while Ripley director Minghella played Tobey Maguire's part from their love scene at the drive-in in Cider House. Spacey was a sport as the object of Minghella's affections, considering all the talk about his own sexuality in the press. When it came time to kiss Minghella, he planted the longest kiss seen in some time on the director's cheek and Minghella swooned.
But the piece de resistance came with Ben Affleck playing Harvey Weinstein in an original piece called The Weinstein House Rules. Miramax production chief Bobby Cohen took the role of Bob Weinstein and the pair was viciously funny imitating the infamous brothers and founders of the company. Affleck has got Harvey down to a T, the way a junior executive might mimic his boss when he's out of the room. Paltrow, author John Irving, and Cider House producer Richard Gladstein played violin students from Music of the Heart in the same sketch but couldn't get a word in edgewise.
The evening's festivities ended merrily with this line, appropriated from The Cider House Rules: "Good night you kings of Tribeca, you queens of West Hollywood!"
Wendy wrote:
Saw Entertainment Tonight tonight, apparently Matt & Winona are still
together?? They said they met up with each other inside the Vanity Fair
party & showed a pic of them together.
A Big Matt fan wrote:
Just came across this:
Matt Damon And Winona Ryder Have Split
Hollywood couple WINONA RYDER and MATT DAMON have split after a two-year romance. According to French magazine VOICI, the Good Will Hunting (1997) star broke up with actress Ryder at the beginning of the month, and is no longer sharing a house with her in Beverly Hills. Damon recently arrived on his own to promote his new film Talented Mr. Ripley, The (1999) in Paris, even though he was expected to be with Winona Ryder - who cancelled at the last minute, confirming that they weren't an item anymore. The couple had fuelled reports of a split by arriving individually at Sunday night's Oscar ceremony in Hollywood, where Heathers (1989) star Ryder arrived with another man.
HOWEVER, before some of you get your hopes up, don't forget these items from Felicity's US sources:
From a Washington Post column on the parties: (at the Vanity Fair party): To the pounding, panting disco beat of "Come Satisfy the Need in Me," we spy Winona Ryder dangerously close to Matt Damon, whose jutting jaw could poke someone's eye out.
From the NY Daily News:
Minnie Driver and beau Josh Brolin also situated themselves at a remove from her ex, Matt Damon, who had his arm around Winona Ryder. Damon laughed off talk that they're trying for a baby, shooting down a tabloid sighting of him buying a home pregnancy test at an supermarket.
Does that seem like a couple that just broke up? Who knows?
Not the greatest photo, but you can find another Matt and Ben pic
E online: Saw Entertainment Tonight tonight, apparently Matt & Winona are still
together?? They said they met up with each other inside the Vanity Fair
party & showed a pic of them together.
Just came across this in Ted C's column (3/30/00). Yes, he's not the
most dependable source, but it does tend to suggest that Matt and
Winona may still be together.
Matt Damon, doncha think? Ben's prettier other half was with Winona Ryder at the Formosa Cafe in West Hollywood. According to an asphalt eyewitness, poor Winona hit the parking lot of the chic locale and promptly spewed, as the Aussies say, all over the place. Upchuck-a-rooney. (Oh dear, how disgusting can I get here with this nasty reportage of mine?) Prior to that lovely sight, W.R. was feelin' real fine, 'cause she simply couldn't keep her hands off Matty-Watty. (So, maybe things are okay between them...) In fact, she was so preoccupied with Matthew, I don't know if Winona-babe heard that agent type telling her how "much more beautiful and gorgeous" she was than Angelina Jolie. "She has nothing on you," he added. Uh. Earth to agent: Angelina does have something, and he's called Oscar.
According to
an article on the Fox news site: "The Miramax fete was
more notable for the absence of almost any other celebrities including
the studio's own "All Stars" - Patrow, Damon, and Affleck. They, with
Damon's sometime girlfriend Winona Ryder, spent the evening with
Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Rita Wilson, Swank, Chad, and brother
Rob Lowe and literally anyone else who was in town over at Morton's.
Roberto Benigni and Anthony Minghella also declined the Miramax invite."
A fan wrote:
Tuesday's New York Times fashion page (Cathy Horyn:
Oscar Style: All Polished, Pretty and Banal) was
devoted to the Vanity Fair party at Morton's. Matt was
among about 20 names mentioned, and one of the very
few men named. This was the sequence: "...Hillary
Swank, Chloe Sevigny, Matt Damon, Winona Ryder, Faye
Oscars 2000 came and went - big yawn. The interesting news is: Matt didn't show up
with Winona Ryder on camera, where she was shown with another guy, called - by Winona -
her best friend - there may be hope for Matty after all :-)!!
Also, on ET Matt and Ben were shown (for a millisecond) at the Vanity
Fair party, apparently arriving together - more grits for the rumor mill, no doubt.
Sigh - they were relegated to also-shows this year, worthy of only
the blink of an eye.
Felicity's finds:
From the Ny Daily News:
Kevin Spacey deserves an Oscar for being a good sport. The same week that the National Enquirer revived rumors that the "American Beauty" star has a gay past, he was willing to dress up in drag at a party Saturday night.
Spacey, who has gone on record as being straight, felt secure enough to don a blond wig and frilly pastel dress for a comic sketch at Miramax' annual Oscar-eve cocktail bash at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel.
As they do every year, Miramax honchos Harvey and Bob Weinstein dragooned stars from their movies to swap roles in order to claim the "Maxy Awards."
Spacey, who played along even though "American Beauty" is a DreamWorks release, mounted a makeshift stage with Anthony Minghella, director and sceenwriter of "The Talented Mr. Ripley."
They reenacted a scene from "Cider House Rules" in which Charlize Theron's character introduces virginal orphan Tobey Maguire to the joys of sex. Minghella, dressed in a plaid workshirt, aped Maguire.
Throwing himself into Theron's part, Spacey proposed: "Let's cuddle." He proceeded to put his arm around the bearlike Minghella and plant a lingering kiss on the side of his prickly head. Just when Spacey might have thought the worst was over, "Cider House" director Lasse Halstrom shouted, "Do it again!"
Spacey wasn't the only Oscar nominee subjected to indignity. Michael Caine agreed to play the beach scene from "Ripley," pulling on a white smock bearing the outline of Matt Damon's swimsuit-clad, pasty bod.
Hallstrom wore a wig and bikini top to double as Gwyneth Paltrow. And Judi Dench played Jude Law. The real Damon and Law later joined Naples singer Fiorello to lead the room in a spirited reprise of their "Ripley" saloon song, "Tu Vuo Fa L'Americano."
Miramax' Weinstein brothers came in for some payback when the real Paltrow and Ben Affleck (who held hands during the party and left together) joined "Cider House" writer John Irving and executive producer Bobby Cohen for a sketch titled "Weinstein House Rules." A takeoff on "Music of the Heart," it found Affleck and Cohen playing Harvey and Bob as violin teachers subbing for Meryl Streep.
Irving joined Gwyneth to play the role of a reluctant student and said, "I don't care about music. I want to be a writer." Affleck, wearing a prosthetic gut covered with half-eaten food, growled: "You do not! John, strap on your brain! [A writer] sits in a room all day. You have no power. You get paid nothing. You never get [bleeped]."
Playing a nasal Bob Weinstein, Cohen piped up: "What about Tina Brown?"
"She's an editor, Bob," said Affleck, guzzling Diet Coke and munching Snackwells. "She eats writers for breakfast everyday."
Affleck ordered Paltrow and Irving to "go ahead and play, [but not] a whole concerto. It's boring."
Harvey's reaction? The studio head, back on the scene after being hospitalized, wept with laughter. Particularly when Affleck closed the party by declaring, "Good night, you princes of Tribeca. You queens of West Hollywood."
Similar but shorter brief of the above in the NY Post.
Over the weekend Matt was also at a party thrown by agents that drew the whole Hollywood crowd, and where Alan Ladd (old star) collapsed. Winona was not mentioned as being at either event.
A reader wrote:
Sunday's New York Times has an article about what the
Oscars say about the current state of American
society. It explores the obvious themes: prisons are
hot, heroism is dead, families are dysfunctional.
One category is duplicity, and the article mentions
"The Insider," "Boys Don't Cry," and "Election." Then:
"Matt Damon, meanwhile, embodies all that is
fraudulent about humanity in the nerve-racking
thriller 'The Talented Mr. Ripley.' But he looks
great, doesn't he?"
The Murky Politics of the Hollywood Tribe By STUART KLAWANS
Clearly his performance, though not nominated, hasn't
been forgotten. And get this: the article cites dozens
of films current and past, but Matt is the one and
only performer named.
(I looked up the article - it's in the "Week in Review'
section, and is by BRUCE KLUGER, in an article entitled
"2000 Oscars: The U.S. Needs More Prozac").
From the Boston Herald via Felicity:
Cambridge homeboys turned Hollywood heartthrobs Matt Damon and
Ben and Casey Affleck will be back home in May to perform new works
by David Mamet and Christopher Durang at the American Repertory
Theatre's annual spring gala. The black-tie event, May 5 at the fab
Four Seasons hotel, will include dinner and an auction featuring a
private tour of ``60 Minutes'' with newsman Mike Wallace, who will be
at the gala, and a backstage tour of ``The Lion King.'' Save us two
seats down front!
From a big Matt fan:
M & W are listed as a "hot" couple on romance feature on
Hollywood.com. Accompanying photo is from the Golden Globes.
From another Matt fan
The opening page at http://www.oscars.com uses a shot
of Matt & Ben (mostly Matt) under the heading STYLE,
with the caption "The Stars shine on Oscar night."
Follow the Style link and the head shot used for Men's
Style is Chris O'Donnell... Dig beyond
that, and the Matt-Ben shot is used again, this time
mostly Ben, and the 2 of them head the list of "Men of
Style"....but that's thanks to alphabetical order.
Still, it's great to see him included as one of just
33 out of all of Hollywood's men.
Each of the 33 gets a solo shot, but wait. Click Matt
or click Ben and you get the same shot of the duo,
joined at the hip, it seems. But it's a fine shot with
them both at their best.
Good to know someone recognizes style when they see
The shot's attached - click here to see.
Small, I guess, and one we've
seen before, but that's great exposure at the Oscars
(My thanks to all who wrote to share the news.)
A reader sent this article
from "New Idea" magazine (New Zealand, march 11): Matt and
Winona so in love - aagghh!
This is a no-frills web site dedicated to a weekly (or so) column
on Matt Damon
, the actor.
The columns are written by a fan
of the actor and are stricly for the reading pleasure of others who
admire Matt. Each column will address a specific topic, along
with tidbits and news on Matt. Readers' emails are welcome. Write
to me at
Guest columns are invited. If you have a column that you want to be
considered to be published here, write me.