Hi! If you have Matt news, write to me at matt_rap@hotmail.com.)

Welcome to the Matt Damon Column,
a forum for sharing news among Matt fans.

Updated 8/1/2000

Sorry, "The Legend of Beggar Vance" is NOT opening this Friday 8/4.
It has been rescheduled for November.

"That Matt Damon is going places", Gregory Peck, 1998. . .

8/1/00 7/31/00 7/27/00
  • A Big Matt fan wrote:
    FYI: There's a photo of Matt and Ben in the current week's Entertainment Weekly. It's an old one (the two in suits, with Ben yawning and Matt looking at him with an expression of chagrin), but it's cute.
  • Posting on a usenet newsgroup:
    Snobby Gwyneth Paltrow is No. 4 on Autograph magazine's Worst Celebrity Signers. This is a huge turnaround from her previously being listed as one of the more cooperative signers last year. However, the magazine notes that Gwyneth did a 360 once she won her Oscar and now she refuses to sign anything, be they a fan or autograph collector. Looks like success went to her little head. Gwyneth should take notes on how to act gracefully from Matt Damon and Angelina Jolie--both are Oscar winners but neither have stopped giving autographs or posing for pictures with their fans. Methinks Gwynnie thinks just a little too highly of herself. She should be more appreciative of her good fortune instead of believing her own hype. 7/25/00 7/23/00 7/19/00 7/14/00 News from Felicity:
    7/13/00 News from Felicity:
    After the good news of yesterday, here's some more quotes re the project from the NY Times: Get Real! 7/12/00 7/11/00 7/8/00 7/8/00 7/7/00 7/6/00 7/5/00 7/1/00 6/28/00 6/27/00