From Felicity:
Glenn Close, Susan Sarandon, Lili Taylor, Illeana Douglas, all got nominations in the guest category. Some of those had virtually no time on camera!
Matt's episode of Will & Grace was nominated for:
- Cinematography
- Directing
- Multi-Camera Picture Editing
Also in Greenlight's category:
American High
Frontier House
The Osbournes
Taxicab Confessions
Trauma: A night in the ER
The full listing for Greenlight:
Project Greenlight � HBO � Miramax Television
Ben Affleck, Executive Producer
Matt Damon, Executive Producer
Chris Moore, Executive Producer
Sean Bailey, Executive Producer
Harvey Weinstein, Executive Producer
Bob Weinstein, Executive Producer
Billy Campbell, Executive Producer
Liz Bronstein, Co-Executive Producer
Eli Holzman, Producer
Tina Gazzerro, Producer
Tony Yates, Producer
I thought the Emmys loved stars, and would have chosen Matt in his category, almost regardless of quality. Any chance that Matt would have removed himself from the voting (we never did see any trade ads)? But the W&G episode didn't receive a nomination for its writing.
FRANKA POTENTE: THE BOURNE IDENTITY INTERVIEW By Prairie Miller Ravishing German actress Franka Potente, who wowed audiences everywhere as that fast forward lady in Run Lola Run, is chasing after success again in The Bourne Identity. Despite the language barrier, Franka was, well, fairly frank during this interview as to how she made the most of body language to charm co-star Matt Damon. Franka also explained how she doesn't mind watching herself in action scenes, but would just rather not be doing them. Oh, and she did rate just how kissable Matt actually was, and how she got both of them through those jittery love scenes. *What was it like to work with American actor Matt Damon? FP: What is Matt Damon like to work with? What was it like to kiss him? First I want to hear what he says about me! No, it was really, really fun to work with him. It's so lame to say that, but we worked for such a long time together. I always feel if you work with someone in every scene for a long time, what sometimes happens is in the beginning you think, oh, that person is so cool. You know, we're going to have so much fun. But after two or three stressful weeks, suddenly, it drops. You're like, what happened? And the person isn't available anymore. Or stressed out, or turning out to be a diva. That didn't happen with Matt. He really stayed that kind, relaxed person. And helpful. I think it was because we really took our time getting to know each other. For me, it's always a problem in this business. It's weird, but people always approach me and say like, hi. And they pretend they know you for so long. But honestly for yourself, you' re like, I don't even know you! But, everybody kind of pretends you do. It' s really strange, because you're two strangers meeting because of a project. And I think Matt and I are a little bit alike in that. Because we really respected that we didn't know each other, and we gave it some time. I think it was good for the characters, too. Because we don't know each other in the film, and we let it grow into a friendship and a working relationship. And it's better than stressing that out in the first weeks. Then you're like, oh God, I'm so glad I don't see him anymore. So I like that he was very helpful. *Can you give an example of how Matt helped you out? FP: I remember there was one day where, it was in Prague. And we had to re-color my hair. We put the color in, and then we found out that at the hotel, there was no water that day. So I called Matt's room. He was there with friends that had just come in. And I said, do you have some water? And it took him just two minutes to grab all the water bottles he had, and donate them for the situation. I thought that was awesome. You know, he realized okay, the girl's having hair problems. He just ran to my room and was like, do you need me to buy more? So I thought that was really awesome. He didn't think about it for a second. *In the film Matt cuts your hair, doesn't he? FP: Well, he cuts my fake hair off. Oh my God, I wouldn't have any hair, if we let him do that! But they had to show him how to do it. *So, what was it like to kiss Matt Damon? FP: It was fun. And at the end of the day I said hey, thanks, man. That was a fun day. Because the problem is, you're doing something again with somebody you don't know. And there's a lot of people around, and you never know. Even if you feel, well, let's relax. We know each other. You haven't been intimate and you don't mean to, but you have to. It was a little awkward. So we had a little shot of Jaegermeister, and got a little more relaxed. It's like that, for instance with nude scenes, too, if it's like for a whole day. You start out being nervous, and it's like closed set. And by the end of the day, you're just walking around like, la, la, la! He was very nervous too. But he was very sweet. I said, listen. We have to do this, so let' s try and enjoy it. And he was like, okay! And we did. He was a nice kisser, and it was great for the day. *Your character has an interesting way of dealing with anxiety in this film. Did you have any reservations about throwing up on screen? FP: I said, you know what? If we have a chance, a split second to show how stressed out she is, what about puking? And everyone said, oh my God, this is stupid. But I said, hey, let's just shoot it and you can edit it out. Okay. And the puke was the most delicious thing! Because Matt and I had, we had to diet a little bit on the film. And they mixed this thing out of vanilla pudding, milk and corn flakes, for the puke. So before the take, you had to swallow it and then you spit it out. And it smelled so good. And so Matt was like, can I try that? And we would constantly eat the puke. So they would have to keep making new stuff. It was so nice. It was like a dessert. It looks so gross, but it was very tasty. You can make it for breakfast. It's Franka's puke recipe. Delicious puke. We should sell that as an item for the film or something!
E-mail: | matt_rap@hotmail.com |
URL: | http://mattdamon.cjb.net |
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