"That Matt Damon is going places", Gregory Peck, 1998. . .
10:54 AM
Another walk-through for a new scene. Matt Damon is only in for two days,
and he and Affleck can't stop playing around. When Damon adds a few lines to
the script, Affleck yells out in mock anger: "Nice acting, Matt, really nice
acting! Just go ahead and throw your own lines in there. Don't be shy. Gotta
get more lines than me, huh? Where's my damn agent?"
1:31 PM
Damon and Affleck are mowing through their scenes and still having the time
of their life. They can't take anything seriously. The "Lion face! RRAGH!
Lemon face! Whooo!" (Trust me -- You'll love it when you see the movie) is
all improvised during walk-throughs. I stand in the background and wonder if
there's an Oscar for "Best Supporting Clapper/Loader."
After each take, we all run back to "video village." Each scene is
videotaped simultaneously as it's filmed for immediate playback, and a dozen
director's chairs are set up to watch the replay. The monitor even has thick
black strips of tape on at the top and bottom for that "letterbox" format.
Everyone cracks up at lion face/lemon face. Smith makes a snap judgment,
squinting tears of laughter from the corners of his eyes. "It's in," he
says, barely able to talk through the laughter. "That's funny s---. That's
the good stuff."
3:30 PM We do three more takes. I nail 'em all. I only screwed up the one -- honest. Damon pats me on the back. "Good goin' man," he says. "If you were a couple inches taller, you could take Ben's place." Affleck is noticeably out of earshot.
Tak trochu za to muze i herec Matt Damon, ktery zde
pod vedenim rezisera Laimena Danga natacel snimek Jack
Bourne Identity.
So you might even have looked past actor Matt Damon,
who here below leading director Doug Liman is shooting
in a scene from Jack Bourne Identity.
Dalsi exteriery stab natacel i na prazskem Pohorelci,
kde byla k videni i nemecka herecka Franka Potenteova,
znama diky filmu Lola bezi o zivot. Matta muzete v
Praze potkat az do konce unora.
Another exterior scene was shot at the Prague
Pohorelci (?), where German actress Franka Potente has
been sighted, familiar from the film "Lola Runs for
her Life." You may run into them in Prague until the
end of February.
(Here's the text:
Prazska Jindrisska ulice v okoli hlavni posty se v polovine
ledna promenila ve vanocni Curych. Tak trochu za to muze i herec
Matt Damon, ktery zde pod vedenim rezisera Laimena Danga natacel
snimek Jack Bourne Identity.
Dalsi exteriery stab natacel i na prazskem Pohorelci, kde byla k videni i nemecka herecka Franka Potenteova, znama diky filmu Lola bezi o zivot. Matta muzete v Praze potkat az do konce unora.")
Damon estar� acompa�ado por Casey Affleck (el hermano
de Ben) y, de acuerdo con publicaciones de chismes de
Los Angeles, se tratar� de una pel�cula mediocre que,
de no ser por la locaci�n, pasar�a desaparcibida
totalmente para los argentinos. "Variety" asegur�
incluso que se parecer� a anteriores pel�culas de Van
Sant, como "Los marginados" o "Mi mundo privado".
Damon will be joined by Casey Affleck (Ben's brother)
and, according to Los Angeles gossip publications,
will be involved with an ordinary film that, were it
not for the location, would pass completely unnoticed
by Argentinians. Variety even guarantees that it will
like Van Sant's earlier films like "To Die For" or "My
Private Idaho".
A chaque audition, tu es oblig� de mentir. Mon dernier
mensonge en date: on m'a demand� lors d'un casting si
je savais monter � cheval. J'avoue, c'est pas mon
point fort. J'ai quand m�me r�pondu avec le sourire
"je ne sais faire que �a, ma m�re est une jument."
At each audition, you have to lie. My latest lie: I
was asked during casting if I knew how to ride a
horse. I admit it's not my strong point. Nevertheless
I answered with a smile: It's all I know. My mother's
a mare."
Rodaje bajo cero
Por culpa de una nevada en el Valle de Luna, se
suspendi� el rodaje de Jerry, la pel�cula que Gus Van
Sant filmaba en Argentina con Matt Damon y Casey
Affleck. Seg�n cont� a Clar�n el productor argentino
Enrique Bacher, de Altana Films, "se hizo la tercera
parte, pero los actores no pod�an seguir filmando con
Filming below zero
Due to a snowfall in Moon Valley, the filming of
Jerry, the feature that Gus Van Sant is filming in
Argentina with Matt Damon and Casey Affleck, has been
suspended. As the Argentine producer Enrique Bacher of
Altana Films told Clarin, "it's one-third made, but
the actors could not continue filming in cold
E-mail: | matt_rap@hotmail.com |
URL: | http://mattdamon.cjb.net |
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