7/29/99 Here's my impression of how the ET preview went: Here's a better transcript of the scenes, from Veriah on planetdamon:
ET Commetator Julie Moran:  "When Gwyneth Paltrow and Matt Damon filmed 
"The Talented Mr. Ripley" the super secret set was closed tight.  Now we 
can show you what happened when these two Hollywood heartthrobs got 
together, in this ET first."

Ripley:  Matt Damon
Dickie:  Jude Law
Marge:  Gwyneth Paltro
Meredith:  Cate Blanchett

(Music:  The slow, sinister sound of violins)
Shot of Marge and Dickie on a boat.  Shot of Ripley (in glasses) watching 
with binoculars.  Close up of a skinny Ripley on the beach introducing 
himself to the sunbathing Dickie and Marge.
Ripley:  "Dickie Greenleaf?  It's Tom.  Tom Ripley."
Dickie:  "Tom Ripley?"
Ripley:  "We were at Princeton together."
Marge:   "Hi.  How do you do?"
Dickie:  "Did we know each other?  Sorry, what is it?
Ripley:  "Ripley"
Shot of Ripley moving his things into Dickie's apartment. He looks out the 
window and sees Dickie and Marge talking on the patio.
Dickie:  "It'll just be for a little while."
Marge:   "No, I like him."
Dickie:  "Marge, you like everybody."
Close up of Ripley repeating, "Marge, you like everybody."
(Voiceover by ET commentator:  When Gwyneth and boyfriend Jude Law invite 
Matt into their European playground, they never suspect his plans to make 
their luxurious lifestyle his own.)  Scenes of Marge, Dickie and Freddie at 
a sunny outdoor table, Ripley smiling at them, a shot of someone (Ripley?) 
taking a pair of shoes (Dickie's?), Dickie and Ripley on a motorbike, 
Dickie in a jazzy outfit walking with his arm over Ripley's shoulder.
A close up of Dickie asking Ripley:  "What exactly did you do in New York?"
Ripley as he sits down with Dickie at a table:  "Telling lies, forging 
signatures, impersonating practically anybody."  Shot of Ripley fixing his 
hair like Dickie's, shots of him forging Dickie's signature.
Dickie (looking disturbed):  "What?"
Shot of Dickie's boat, with Dickie and Marge kissing.  Scene of Marge and 
Ripley in what looks like a cabin.
Ripley (emotionally):  "I wish that I could live Dickie's life for him." 
Marge looks frightened.
Ripley:  "I know what I would do."
Shot of Ripley rubbing out the picture on Dickie's passport.  Flash of the 
nerdy Ripley in a window.  A handsome Ripley walking towards a door warding 
off the press.  Ripley and Marge riding off on a Vespa.  Flash of a 
handsome Ripley in a window.
Dickie shouting:  "Did I know you at Princeton, Tom?  I don't think I did, 
did I?"
Shot of a beautiful Italian harbor.   (The music grows more intense)
Ripley (with tears in his voice):  "I always thought it would be better to 
be fake somebody than a real nobody."
Shot of Dickie and Meredith at the opera.  Shot of Marge hugging Ripley.  
Shot of Dickie's boat.  Ripley and Dickie in the water.  Marge on the boat: 
  "Why is it that when men play, they always play at killing each other?"
(ET commentator:  Elizabeth star Cate Blanchett co-stars in the 50's era 
thriller which was shot in five different Italian cities, and is set for 
release in December.)  Scenes of Meredith and the handsome Ripley walking, 
Meredith and Ripley kissing.  Shot of Ripley sleeping, Ripley hitting 
someone with an oar, Ripley waking up suddenly, as if from a nightmare, 
Ripley stretching out a cloth, as if to strangle someone.
Dickie:  "Everyone should have a talent.  What's yours?"
Shot of Ripley looking at him, wrapping the cloth over his own neck.  Shot 
of Ripley sitting down at a piano.
7/28/99 Heard on today's "Entertainment Tonight" show: