Hi! If you have Matt news, write to me at matt_rap@hotmail.com.)

Welcome to the Matt Damon Column,
a forum for sharing news among Matt fans.

Updated 8/31/2001

"That Matt Damon is going places", Gregory Peck, 1998. . .

8/31/01 8/29/01 8/28/01 8/27/01
From Felicity:
Boston Herald report on the softball game:
Pierce, Tinseltown team up for charity benefit
by Gayle Fee and Laura Raposa
Sunday, August 26, 2001
Hollywood heartthrobs Matt Damon, Tara Reid and Shannon Elizabeth teamed up with Boston Celtic Paul Pierce for a charity softball game at Boston's Lederman Field yesterday.
It was the jocks vs. the stars in the game that pitted Pierce, teammate Antoine Walker, and various and sundry other local sports studs and a few Colorado Avalanche against the contingent from Tinseltown: local pop star Joey McIntyre, cast members from ``Boston Public'' and ``Ally McBeal'' - including new legal eagle Julianne Nicholson, who joins the law offices of Cage & Fish this season.
The celebs, who were in town for the softball game and the Sam Adams ``Summer Jam'' over in Jamaica Plain, cut quite a swath through the city during their whirlwind visit.
Mark Wahlberg, who was in town for the Jam and a screening of his new flick, ``Rock Star,'' held court on the patio of Stephanie's on Newbury the other day, where he chowed on chowdah and fish & chips and chatted up the meter maids. That night, Wahlberg partied with Tara - and about 50 hangers on - at Whiskey Park until the wee hours.
``There were members of Matt and Ben Affleck's production company, Matt's agent, a bunch of Colorado Avalanche and a whole bunch of other people that looked like someone,'' said Someone Who Was There.
Matt, who was bedding down at The Colonnade with the rest of the Jam-mers, did Whiskey Park separately with Tara on a different night. Isn't she a lucky gal????
Damon was also spotted having a loooong dinner at Mistral with Tara and her ``American Pie'' castmate Shannon Elizabeth and hitting the links at the Braeburn Country Club in Newton over the weekend.
``Matt is incredibly nice,'' said publicist Sally Jackson, who hung with Damon at the Super Jam. ``The second he was introduced he remembered your name. He called everyone by name and is just very mannerly.''
Last night, the softball players were all invited to The Rack for a post-game beer blast. Details to follow, so stay tuned!
File Under: Hot Fun In The Summertime.

Sam Adams spill
Sam Adams czar Jim Koch doesn't remember a thing between stopping his bicycle near the BU Bridge and waking up in Massachusetts General Hospital. And the sad part is, he wasn't even drinking! ``The things you do when you're sober,'' lamented the beer baron, who was left with a broken hand and two cracked ribs after the mishap last week.
Koch racked up his bike last week during a 15-mile ride along the Charles River.
``I remember stopping at the bridge, propping up my bike, and the next thing I know, I wake up and I'm in the hospital,'' he said. ``I have no memory of what happened, but my helmet was completely cracked.''
Koch said the doctors gave him a full examination and found lots of scar tissue from previous mishaps, including accidents he had rock climbing, kayaking and hiking.
``And it dawned on me, that this stuff only happens when I'm not drinking!'' said Koch, who carries a portable Breathalyzer when he is imbibing.
``I'm really, really careful when I'm drinking but when I'm sober, I get into all kinds of trouble!''
And speaking of Koch, the Sam Adams sultan says he has no regrets partnering his brewery with Cambridge homey Ben Affleck on ``Project Greenlight'' - even though Affleck is in rehab for boozing!
``I was proud to be his partner and I still am proud to be his partner,'' Koch said.
Sam Adams had to pull a radio ad featuring Affleck after the ``Pearl Harbor'' hunk entered rehab. But the brewery, Affleck and his pal, Damon, are forging ahead with ``Project Greenlight'' - Damon and Affleck's attempt to open Hollywood's back door for aspiring filmmakers.
(The dramatic duo's first script, ``Stolen Summer'' by contest winner Pete Jones is ready to go into production.)
``Ben is a tremendous guy and he's very smart,'' said Koch. ``I think everyone's rooting for him.''

Felicity wrote:

8/25/01 8/24/01 8/23/01
From Felicity: 8/22/01
A feast of items from Felicity: 8/21/01
From Felicity: 8/20/01 8/19/01 8/18/01 8/9/01 8/8/01 8/7/01 8/6/01 8/4/01 8/3/01 8/2/01 8/1/01 7/31/01 7/30/01 7/29/01 7/28/01 7/27/01
This is a no-frills web site dedicated to a weekly (or so) column on Matt Damon , the actor.
The columns are written by a fan of the actor and are stricly for the reading pleasure of others who admire Matt. Each column will address a specific topic, along with tidbits and news on Matt.
Readers' emails are welcome. Write to me at matt_rap@hotmail.com.
Guest columns are invited. If you have a column that you want to be considered to be published here, write me.

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I hope you enjoy this site. Sorry if you looked for Matt photos in vain. If you like photos, see Elise's site, which has an excellent photo gallery.
Some good sources of Matt Info
The greenlight project link: The site created by Matt and Ben for online screenplay submission.
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