Pretty Horses news

All the Pretty Horses

A Columbia-Miramax picture

More pictures
Miramax's ATPH site
E!online preview - has a link for the trailer.
Entertainment Weekly's ATPH preview Click here to see more pictures and to read the best of the reviews.
If you haven't yet, visit Miramax's ATPH site now to see some wonderful wide-screen photos and clips from the film, among other goodies (such as excerpts from the soundtrack).
Daniel Holmes' ATPH site has the Oscar Ads and a photo gallery.
the site for Pretty Horses
All the Pretty Horses computer wallpaper, the Charlotte Observer.

... we have a perfectly coherent, handsomely rendered couple of hours, animated in particular by Damon's good performance � shrewd, innocent, angry, wistful and, above all, likable. Maybe this movie might have been more. But it could easily have been a lot less.
- Time Magazine critics on "All the Pretty Horses".

"It�s the kind of thing where there probably won�t be a middle-ground reaction. I just have a really visceral experience with it, and I imagine that other people will, too � and that other people won�t. You either get it or you won�t, and it�s fine either way, but thanks for giving it a shot."
- Matt Damon, on ATPH.

Although this much anticipated film has gotten some early poor reviews. Many well-known critics had kind words for it, some even glowing words.
Apparently the film is not an easy one to appreciate. Following are links to the more appreciative reviews:
  • An article on the cowboy life entitled,"All the Pretty Cowboys: Matt Damon might make a damn attractive cowboy, but the real thing weren't never that purty." Also included is an ATPH photo gallery.
    Click here to see the article.

    Early reviews

    Another early review, this one from the Ain't-It-Cool site. Matt's performance is praised.
    An early test screening review posted on the dark horizons site.

    12/23/00 Check out article in the New York Times: nothing really new - but any article which appears in the NY Times can't be all bad. 12/16/99
    ATPH apparently had a test screening somewhere, and a mixed review by someone in the audience was posted on tbe site. 5/29/99
    Matt fan Val visited the filming of "Pretty Horses" on location in Mexico and brought back photos of some of the sets/sites. Click here to see.
    Yet another article from the San Antonio Express News via Felicity:
    Billy Bob's thoughts
    'Pretty Horses' director talks about sex, violence, S.A.
    By Jeanne Jakle
    Express-News Staff Writer
    Friday, Apr 16,1999
    Before leaving San Antonio after four weeks of filming "All the Pretty Horses" here movie actor and director Billy Bob Thornton made his feelings known about sex.
    Movie sex, that is.
    Asked about one of the most talked-about scenes that was shot at a private Hill Country ranch - a romantic skinny-dipping segment involving Matt Damon and his female co-star, Penelope Cruz - Thornton said it'll probably "turn up being a kissing scene."
    "I'm not big on graphic sexual scenes in movies. It doesn't do anyone any good. That's when I'd get up and get popcorn," he said Thursday evening after wrapping up his last day of shooting in a warehouse in downtown San Antonio.
    The "Sling Blade" director/writer added he just never got into watching "other people having sex."
    It makes him uncomfortable, he explained, "and people it doesn't make feel uncomfortable, well, I don't want them going to see my movie."
    As for violence in the film, he did say there were one or two scenes in "Pretty Horses" that could be called violent, but he doesn't believe in gratuitous violence.
    >hat is hardest to take in the movie, which was adapted from the 1992 National Book Award-winning novel by El Paso author Cormac McCarthy, is its "emotionally intense, heart-rending story." He said the main character, played by Damon, a young Texas rancher named John Grady Cole, learns "a lot of difficult things. He has to learn to live in the present; he realizes you can't hang on to the past. The movie's about leaving home; it's about life, about death, the things we all fear."
    The movie was adapted from the novel by Oscar-winning screenwriter Ted Tally of "Silence of the Lambs" fame.
    It's set in 1949. John Grady's mother sells the ranch where he grew up and he's forced to leave the only life he has ever known. The young hero and his pal, Lacey Rawlins, played by Henry Thomas ("E.T."), set off for the still-untamed lands of Mexico and eventually arrive at a hacienda where they're hired as cowboys, breaking wild horses.
    There, he falls into an ill-fated romance with the beautiful daughter of a wealthy ranch owner, which leads to jail, a killing in self-defense and John Grady's greatest test of maturity.
    After producer Mike Nichols bought the rights to the book, he approached Thornton to direct when the two were working on the political film, "Primary Colors," according to Thornton.
    As for the movie's cast, Thornton said he was glad to get Damon and added that he also fought hard to get the relatively little-known international actress Cruz for the female lead. Cruz's credits include Pedro Almodovar's "Live Flesh."
    "I met with her and saw her do two of the scenes, and that was all I needed," he said.
    Musician and actor Ruben Blades plays her father, he said, and Bruce Dern, who plays the judge, will shoot his scenes at the next locale, Santa Fe, N.M.
    "I like Santa Fe, but I'm sorry to leave here," he said of San Antonio and the surrounding Hill Country, which stands in for Mexico in "Pretty Horses."
    "I wish we were going to be here longer," he added, explaining San Antonio had "a lot of good people who were really helpful."
    "The land looked great, the locations fit like a puzzle" and the weather cooperated, he added.
    As for the audience he's shooting for with "Pretty Horses," Thornton couldn't resist having fun with his first answer: "We're aiming it at people who are between 74 and 79."
    Seriously, he believes the film's appeal should be wide: "It's not like a teen movie. The subject is an adult one, but it's about younger people. Actually, I don't think there's anyone who wouldn't relate to this movie." 4/14/99
    There is a major story by Harry Knowles (that's him to the right of Matty in the photo above) of The Ain't It Cool News. He talks about his on-location-visit to the filming of "All the Pretty Horses" in San Antonio. Apparently the scene he witnessed is one after the main characters have been released from prison. You may notice that there is a big gash on Matt's face in the photo. If you have read the book, you know where that gash comes from.
    You may not like that look of Matt, but, believe me, it could have been worse. I am actually relieved.

    1/25/99 ATPG Seeking Cast and Crew!
    From the Texas Film Commission page:

    1/22/99 This from Felicity:

    Here's a quote from Billy Bob Thornton in the Houston Chronicle (first real thing of 'substance' he's said on All The Pretty Horses so far):

    (My note: Ouch! But if you read the novel you know that it's the way it has to be. Let's just say that I expect many scenes where I will have to look away in the later half of the film.

    1/22/99: According to today's issue of Entertainment Weekly, "All the Pretty Horses" is in the lineup for a November release. November is the most desirable month for the opening of a prestigious film - summer is for commercial blockbusters. However, this all depends on whether the film gets made in time.

    1/21/99: In an article on Billy Bob Thornton, the following is said:

    1/21/99 According to the Texas Film Commission page:

    Val wrote on planetdamon

    Who will play Matt's side kick?

    If you have any news on "All the Pretty Horses", please do write me. Thanks.

    Readers' emails are welcome. Write to me at

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