The January Premiere cover story on Matt

In January, the Premiere magazine featured a cover story of Matt, as part of the Ripley promotion.

A big Matt fan wrote:
"There's so much that can go wrong in making a movie," says Premier senior writer Christine Spines, who spent time on the Ripley set in Venice. "So it's gratifying to follow a project for so long and see everything go right." Damon, who as Ripley gives one of the year's most extraordinary performances, posed for photographer Sam Jones. The result is the remarkable series of photos that begins on page 62.

The big Matt fan went on to say:
The new Premier interview is one of the most beautifully written I've seen on Matt. Essentially, it portrays him as a driven, self-sacrificing, painfully self-conscious perfectionist, a young man who's "willing to work himself to a pulp if that's what it takes to prove (mostly to himself) that he's qualified for the job he's been working toward his entire life." The writer meets with him on the set of Ripley and, after watching a scene between him and Jack Davenport, discusses his disastisfaction with his own performance and his determination to get it right. Later, she visits him on the set of Bagger Vance (though not much is discussed about that film.) There's a bit of the old rehashing of history: childhood, Harvard, The Good Ole Boys, Courage Under Fire, Good Will Hunting, etc.. Like the GQ writer, this one also notes the differences between Matt and Ben (Ben seems to embrace celebrity life while Matt shuns it). However, what I really love about this piece are the abundance of quotes. Here are a few:
On the rush of fame while he was filming Rounders: "It was a huge transition that was so powerful and overrode everything. There were so many nights were I just wasn't getting any sleep. I was just holding it together while we were making that movie. It was like an out-of-body experience."
On his self-consciousness: "I probably care too much what people think about me. That's probably another reason I'm an actor. It's not a compliment to myself; it's just being somebody who wants to be all things to all people, and I actually found a way to do that. It'll still never happen. It's something I'm working on."
On his opportunities: "I feel you get a couple of chances to be that guy on the shortlist, where you actually get a role you really like. I could make a shitty movie that might make money and be unhappy doing it, or I could make a movie that is really original, with a complex character."
Minghella: "I think he's probably capable of doing anything because he's got the will of a machine. What he's got is a very big instrument, and he can go all over the place and develop."
Billy Bob Thornton: "I honestly felt sort of a big-brother connection to him instantly. Sometimes you look somebody in the eye, and you instantly know you're the same kind."
Minghella: "Matt wants to die for you every day. I think he imagines that the pain is closely connected with the work: Unless you're dying, it can't be good. Unfortunately, I feel the same way, so we don't help each other."
Gwyneth: "I think he underestimates how much it takes out of him. I mean, he was just shot at the end of the movie. Absolutely shot. It was like he gave every single thing he had. He would never say it, but I would see it in his eyes. It was like, 'Okay. Uncle. I want to go home. I want to see my girlfriend. I want my life back.'"
Matt: "I'm out of gas. These last two movies have taken a lot out of me. I was doing everything I possibly could, killing myself. This is a lifestyle I just didn't anticipate living. It's too hard. It's a kind of life in a tunnel. I've been living out of these two duffel bags for four years, and it's really hard to do. I mean, all my clothes are like this free shit I got from Reebok. I get up in the dark and get dressed, and it doesn't matter. I go to the set and put on a costume. Even when I'm not working, I go to my brother's place, where I have this air mattress. And it's not like a bed or a room. It's just my duffel bag sitting there. I need a place, even if it is is just the mental picture of a home."
The photos are nice, though in ironic contrast to the story. They depict a boyishly carefree Matt enjoying the pleasures of youth. In two, a mud covered Matt plays football. In another, he holds up a bird's nest. One photo shows Matt in shorts stepping off a pier into a lake. Another is a closeful of him reclining, mid-laugh.
Matt playing football
Matt playing football-2
Matt jumps off the pier
Matt leaning back in the dirt
Next year, Matt could be in as many as seven films (Ripley, ATPH, Titan AE, Third Wheel, Bagger Vance and Minority Report). He's been working constantly, which he seems to love. However, you can tell from this article that it's beginning to take a toll. As much as one wants to see him in more movies, you can't help but want him to get a little time off.