Rounders, the 1998 Matt Damon film

CNN's Paul Tatara's review of "Rounders"

1/4/99 In spite of its fizzling out at the box office, Rounders is not without its followers. It is mentioned in a number of the Best Films of 1998 lists on the Internet. Here is one that showed up on today:

Here's another one: 9/21 The unpleasant news came: Rounders 2nd weekend take dropped a whopping 45%. This is very poor showing. The total gross of the film is now estimated at $25M. It's not a flop, but definitely a disappointment and does not reflect well on Matt's starring power. I think we will hear a lot less of the "Golden Boy" reference now.

9/20 Matt Damon Wins in 'Rounders', an article which appeared in the 9/14 "Today's Outsiders" column on

9/19 Quote on "I'm sure people will accuse me of having a poker face throughout the movie, but that's kind of the risky sign-on at the beginning." - Matt Damon on the risk of critics attacking his performance in Rounders (My comment: This quote doesn't sound like Matt's - and no critic I have read accused Matt of that, as far as I know.)

9/16 Yahoo News, 9/16

9/15 Couple of interesting items today;

In the Punchline section of L.A. Times: "Rounders" is the only movie in America that is guaranteed to have a full house.

This is from someone called Janie, in a posting to

9/14 Final boxoffice figures reported today adjusted Rounders' take to $8.5M over the weekend, compared to $7M of the 2nd-place movie, Something about Mary. Also, the film is the top grossing movie in Canada, taking in $825,860 compared to $624,986 of "Mary".

Saving Matt Damon from media backlash - A promotional interview which appeared just before Rounders' open.

9/13 AP report: "Damon's Rounders Top Box Office". Reuter report: "Rounders trumps box office", and "Rounders takes top spot at box office." Read the AP article here and an excerpt from the site here
And a report in Mr. Showbiz.

The Daily Variety has this to say in a 9/14 article "B. O. Card Trick":

Thus reports the 9/12 Hollywood Reporter (which incidentally gave Rounders a bad review): "Bet on Rounders to win big at the boxoffice this weekend. Audience sentiment as registered in prerelease polls is equal to the best-performing films issued during the just-concluded late-summer session. The Miramax release holds all the cards in the game beginning tonight and should cruise to an easy victory for the three-day period. Matt Damon adn Ed Norton star ... Damon is, of course, the lightning rod for the sizzle surrounding Rounders. The actor has achieved major-star status via his last two roles -- in "Good Will Hunting" and "Saving Private Ryan" -- and will with Rounders gain entry into that elite cadre of performers whose presence alone can successfully launch a project."

9/11 Rounders opened today. It is expected to be the top-grossing film of this week.

Reviews - synopsis and analysis Read them here.

Did you know what Rounders mean? The best explanation came from John Dahl, the director: A rounder is someone who makes the rounds at the poker clubs, making money from skillful play.

The online version of the 9/12 L.A. Times has an article headlined: Rounders or flounders? It went on to urge the reader to read its review, look at the premiere photos (unfortunately Matt wasn't there), and check out the audio clips.

The first Matt-Rounders interview - most likely done during the SPR promotion back in July - appeared in the site on 8/31. Thanks to an alert on the Unofficial Matt Damon site. It is mirrored here for keep sake. Read it at the orginal source or the mirrored copy here.

A new positive review on the Ain't-It-Cool site(AICN) which appeared on 8/28.

No sooner did Saving Private Ryan blew in than the thoughts of Matt Damon fans turn to his next film, Rounders.

Matt is the star of this little film, for which he reportedly settled for the measley salary of $600K.

Although small in scale, this film will be a bit of a test of Matt's star power, as he is the headliner and the main draw. Matt is fortunate to be backed by a stellar cast of supporting actors including Ed Norton, Martin Landau, John Turturro, John Malkovich, and Gretchen Mol. The director, John Dahl (The Last Seduction), is well respected, even if he has not been commercially successful (echoing another director, Gus Van Sant, who until "Good Will Hunting" did not have a commercial hit). Of note among the crew is the Director of Photography, Jean-Yves Escoffier, who was responsible for the beautiful cinematography of Good Will Hunting.

Matt was cast for the lead role of this film soon after the release of Good Will Hunting, and it was during its filming that he received his nominations for the Golden Globe and the Oscars. Matt, as we all know, is a Crimsonite (Harvard dropout), and Ed Norton is a Yalie grad. Both were Oscar Best Actor/Supporting Actor nominees: Matt for "Good Will Hunting", and Norton for "Primal Fear", in a role that Matt also screened for ("Ed smoked me," said Matt, referring to Norton's being chosen instead of him). So we can certainly expect some quality performance. Judging from the photos, interviews, and previews, these two had pretty good chemistry.

The film is scheduled to open on September 11. Miramax Pictures, the studio which produced the movie, thinks highly enough of the work to have it entered for competition in the upcoming Venice Film Festival.

As more information of the film becomes available, I will be collecting articles, announcements, etc., in this page. I hope you keep looking in here.

If you hear of anything about Rounders, drop me a line at and I will see if I can add it to the collection.

8/27: In an article entitled "Overwhelmingly large slate of movies for the fall season" in the Toronto Sun Jam site, under a section headed by "STAR POWER":

8/26: The Dark Horizon's site's Fall preview commented on this film thus: "An interesting idea, teamed with some of the most talented actors around - should be a definite winner."

Rounders Official Poster
Tristen's Rounders Page
Miramax now has a Rounders Page - nothing exciting though

Rounders photos on Al's Matt Damon site
Batch of Rounders photos on the All-Matt site: go to the photos page and select "other movies" for now.
A Review, by Sean Dickson, of the Rounders screenplay on the Unofficial Ed Norton site.Major SPOILER WARNING.
A brief synopsis and prognosis of the film in 8/19 New York Post
Entertainment Weekly's Preview
Counting Crows will be featured in "Rounders".
Casenet's Rounders page's Rounders page, with trailer. with new pics.
Bookhouse's preview
Preview from Coming Attractions
Preview in Movie Guru
An early test-screening review on the Dark Horizons website
Vernon Jordon is in "Rounders"
Reuters' Venice Festival article
High Stakes for Damon and Norton, 5/12/98 Mr. ShowBiz article.
An article on which mentions "Rounders" along with other Oscar hopefuls opening in Fall.
Neve Campbell Holds Out, 1/8/98 Mr. ShowBiz article about Ms Campbell's turning down of the role that went to Gretchen Mol.

Harry what's-his-name on Ain't-It-Cool-News had this to say about the "Rounders" trailer: "God I love John Dahl flicks, and I sure hope this film, with this excellent cast kicks ass. This trailer got me reday to se the flick. Good trailer."

8/24/98: An indirect thumb-up for Rounders, mentioned in passing in a review for "A Civil Action", by one "Agent G." on the AICN site today. Simply a praise of the script and that it translate into one of the writer's favorite films. Check out the first paragraph in the "Agent G checks out A CIVIL ACTION" column listed under the date of 8/24/98.

Two glowing reviews on the Ain't-It-Cool site(AICN) after a screening in California last night:

A fourth positive review on the Ain't-It-Cool site(AICN) which appeared on 8/29.

Note: As with the review which appeared on 8/28, this one touts the performance of Ed Norton. This is understandable. Norton has a "juicier" role, playing a character who's not as "nice" as Matt's. Norton's character is the kind that reviewers favor (as with Dustin Hoffman in "Midnight Cowboy"). So we should expect this kind of comments. For Matt to play a blander role and still comes out likeable is an achievement in itself.

A new positive review on the Ain't-It-Cool site(AICN) which appeared on 8/28.

Rounders premiered in Los Angeles on 8/25/98. Read about it in my Matt TV appearances column. and an article which appeared in the 8/27/98 Daily Variety.
Yet another
article on the premier, MrShowBiz site, 8/27.
