Anthony Biography

Name: Anthony Nguyen

Age: 13

Birthday: December 5, 1983

Sex: Oriental(Vietnamese) Male.

Weight: Too much

Height: 5 foot 6.

lives: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

School: St.Alphonsus.

Upcoming gr: Grade 9

What people says about me: "Gods gift to Women."

Things I like: Lots about my life(I am not some freak that always want to kill themselves)Food, food, food, foods did I mention I like Foods. Sports including Basketball, Volleyball, Hockey, Badminton, Soccer, Track & Field, Baseball, Tennis(there's more sport, just can't remember them). Spending $Money$. My GirlFriend (if i had one). Music including Pop, R&b, and a bit of Country and Rap. School, and NO!! I am not a school nerd. I also got three teachers(women) that I admire the most. Even though one of them is mean like a witch(exagerating a bit), I still like her. I do not like to point(just in case if she reads this), People who are nice and kind, Sweet and Cute Girls, and alot more...

Things I hate: People who smokes, People who thinks that they are cool, Smoking, Losers, Guys that get all the girls, Guys that use girls for sex(you Bastard go get a life, sorry about the foul language), drugs, drinker, dumb people(people who act stupid), JoJo�s Psychic Alliance (if they were psychic they would know that everyone hates them), Girls who dress to revealing(I usually call them hooke*), Guys who steals my girl, Homework, Girls who don't keep their words, and alot more...

Awards I have won this year.