Heather Donnelly

Played by:
Jane Rogers
Spouse(s) and Children:
Father Michael Donnelly
Doctor Arthur Donnelly
Doctor at Santa Barbara hospital, also is a hypnosis-expert.
She came to the hospital to hypnotize a small boy and had arguments in the begining with Scott Clark. Then Scott asked her to hypnotize him so that he would get information about the death of Hal Clark. She hypnotized him twice, once in the hospital and then at the Capwell boat house. Then she went out with him to a drive-in cinema and watched a horror movie. She told that she has never been to drive-in`s before. Her parents usually took her to the opera. Then when they were going to kiss, Scott heard on the radio about somebody helding C.C. and Pamela at gun point. Though they didn`t mention who, Scott was sure that his father Ben Clark was the one. Heather tried to talk Ben out of shooting C.C. and Sophia at the Capwell wine cellar and Ben was almost going for it put then he realised what she was trying to do and told her to go away. She and Scott are getting closer.

Actor/Actress Bio

TV/Film Credits:
Filmography from IMDb
She started back in Minneapolis as a waitress and after she moved to LA to get her acting career started, she went to work at a restaurant. She then got promoted to Service Training Coordinator. She traveled all over training restaurant crews. On the top of her list is putting stop to indiscriminate and cruel testing on animals. She played the writer Julie Delorean in CBS soap "Bold and the Beautiful". Back to index
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