Roberto Benigni's Life is beautiful has been criticised by some critics for trivializing the Holocaust. The tone of some of the criticism is one of incredulity that a comic movie could be made with such a serious backdrop. Is it justified ? Are there some topics which are 'beyond the pale' as subject matter for movie-makers ? >>>>>>
GIFT OF THE GAB ? Jon Voight manages to affect a reasonable Irish accent in John Boorman's The General. How have some of Hollywood's other stars fared when called upon to play characters from the Emerald Isle ? >>>>>>
END OF AN ERA The background to Martin Cahill's rise and fall as The General in Dublin >>>>>>
THE MASTER OF SUSPENSE Alfred Hitchcock was born one hundred years ago. To celebrate his centenary, the Stockholm Film Review will feature a number of reviews and discussions of his best-known movies in the next few weeks.We begin with a review of one of the most famous horror movies of all time, The Birds


© Stockholm Film Review 1999