At 4:49 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, the Shuttle Atlantis disappears in Space. Hours Later, without warning, a meteor shower pummels the Eastern seaboard from Finland to South Carolina.The damage is only a precursor: an asteriod the size of Texas is headed our way at 22,000 mph. Its impact would mean the end of mankind. With only 18 days to spare, NASA discovers the "Global Killer" bearing down on Earth. NASAs Director, Dan Truman (BILLY BOB THRONTON) is left with only one option--- send a crew up to destroy the asteriod. Truman enlists the help of Harry S. Stamper (BRUCE WILLIS), the worlds foremost deep core oil driller. Harry, along with his roughneck team of drillers, only have 12 days to train and become "astronauts" Provided with NASAs state-of-the-art equipment and the finest military pilots, Stamper and his Dirty Dozen crew must land on the asteriod, drill into its surface and drop a nuclear device into its core. On the heroic journey, they face the most physically and emotionally trying conditions ever encountered... to save the world and prevent ARMAGEDDON.