Tribute to Ephiny

After 4 years in the Xena and Herc-verse, the Amazon Regent, Ephiny died in a battle against Brutus. She fought hard with so much courage and skill, that even Brutus acknowledge it before he killed her. Ephiny died a death that was fitting for a true warrior and she will be remembered always...

We were first introduced to the serious-minded Ephiny in Hooves and Harlots and saw how mistrustful, at first, she was of Xena and Gabrielle. One thing I noted about Ephiny were her eyes. She had a very strong gaze that would bore into peope, which made her look serious to me but when she smiled, her eyes had a warmth to them. By the end of that episode, Ephiny became a staunch supporter of them both, even risking death from Queen Melosa. Her friendship with Xena and especially Gabrielle was evident in all of her appearances. Gabrielle trusted Ephiny greatly, that she appointed Ephiny as Amazon Regent, to rule in her absence.

Even though she died in Endgame, Ephiny manages to come back as a ghost to help out Xena and Gabrielle. Ephiny also crossed over to the Herc-verse to do a cameo in the episode, Prodigal Sister. The actress behind Ephiny, Danielle Cormack, also played other characters in both Xena and Hercules, an early Amazon and a French Revolutionary, respectively. No matter how small her role was in either of the shows, she always had a strong presence that you couldn't ignore.

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Ephiny Episodes - Summaries are Ephiny-centered only.

Xena: Hooves and Harlots - Xena and Gabrielle meet the Amazons, including Ephiny. Gabrielle inadvertantly becomes an Amazon Princess and undergoes training with Ephiny and Eponin. Ephiny takes awhile to warm to Xena and Gabrielle but at the end, solid friendships are formed. She also forms a friendship with Phantes, a centaur.

Ephiny: "Come. Now."
Gabrielle: "I'm sorry, you must have me mistaken me for a pet."

Xena: Is There a Doctor in the House - Xena and Gabrielle are caught in the middle of a war and find a very pregnant Ephiny, who was hiding and injured. Ephiny tells them Phantes was caught in the crossfire and is dead. All three head to the Temple of Asclepius where Xena and Gabrielle help the injured. When Gabrielle suffers an injury and is near death, she gives Ephiny her Right of Caste. Ephiny refuses telling Gabrielle that she won't die. Xena also delivers Ephiny's baby, a boy centaur who Ephiny names Xenan.

The Quest - Ephiny and some other Amazons find Gabrielle, who is distraught at the death of Xena. Ephiny tells Gabrielle that Queen Melosa is also dead and asks Gabrielle to return to the Amazon village.

Xena: A Necessary Evil -

Xena: The BitterSuite - After some tragic events which causes a rift between Gabrielle and Xena, Gabrielle goes to the Amazons to be purified. While Ephiny and Joxer are guarding her, Xena rides to the village to kill Gabrielle. The Amazons try to defend their Queen but Xena overpowers them and breaks Ephiny's arm in the process.

Xena: Endgame - Ephiny does battle with Brutus in a spectacular fight to the death. Unfortunately, she dies.

Xena: - Life Blood

Xena: The Last of the Centaurs -

Hercules: Les Contemptibles - Three thieves who bear resemblences to Hercules, Iolaus and Salmoneus are running around France during the Revolution, stealing from the rich and keeping the booty for themselves. They meet up with a mysterious woman who looks like Ephiny. Fun and danger ensues as Robert (Herc) and Jean-Pierre (Iolaus) convince Marie (Ephiny) that Francois (Salmoneus) is the Chatreus Fox (think Zorro) and that she should give money to his cause.

Hercules: Prodigal Sister - Ephiny and her son, Xenan meet up briefly with Hercules and a young, blind man, Rune and talk about rumours of outlaw Amazons. Hercules and Rune are looking for Rune's sister.

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