****Basic info**** |
Name: Connley Nagata |
Age: 17 |
Mutant Type: Feral |
Concept: Runaway |
Team: Safehouse |
****Attributes**** |
Strength: Good |
Dexterity: Excellent |
Mental: Good |
Willpower: Excellent |
****Skills**** |
Strength Skills: |
Brawl 3pts |
Dexterity Skills: |
Dodge 3pts |
Stealth 3pts |
Mental Skills: |
Alertness 3pts |
Animal Handling 3pts |
Street Smarts 3pts |
Willpower Skills: |
Seduction 3pts |
****Powers**** |
Power(s): Fox |
Training: Level 2 |
Mutagenic Intensity: Level 6 |
****Feats**** |
Claws (non-retractable) |
Hyper Sensory smell |
Redish brown hair
with white markings like that of a fox's coat, deep brown eyes, caucation. She also has perminate
blackened clawlike fingernails, like the claws of a fox.
Conn is the type of
person that worries about justice and fair play. She often finds herself trying to help people that
she believes are in need, can you say "sucker for the underdog"? She has a very low opinion of
the System, and is quick to believe all the horrible stories about "The Man" that anyone wishes
to spread. And she is quick to want to warn others of the horrors that she suspects.
Conn lost her parents
to a car accident when she was only 8months old. Her New Mutant abilities weren't known of
then. Her physical mutations started showing up when she was about three years old. She
would cry about her fingers hurting, and eventually after no doctor could tell her first foster
parents what was the matter with her, her fingernails fell out, and the blackened claws of a
fox started to grow in their place. The sharks of white in her hair bleached slowly in over the
next few years, until she was nearly impossible to place into another foster home, even after
the State Agency started to CLIP back her CLAWS to try and make them look normal.
At the ripe age of 16, Conn was finally fed up enough
of the system to "damn the man" and get lost on the streets. She has been hearing rumors on
the street about Government types stealing people that had funny powers. She has since taken
it upon herself to warn other New Mutants about these rumors of kidnappings.
XP as of 12/02/02:
39XP Unused
5XP used to raise Training Level to Level 2