Isis Yamamoto
****Basic info**** |
Name: Isis Yamamoto |
Age: 19 |
Mutant Type: Molecular |
Concept:GSA recruit |
Team: G.S.A. |
****Attributes**** |
Strength: Good |
Dexterity: Excellent |
Mental: Outstanding |
Willpower: Average |
****Skills**** |
Strength Skills: |
Brawl 3pts |
Endurance 3pts |
Dexterity Skills: |
Dodge 3pts |
Martial Arts 3pts |
Melee 3pts |
Mental Skills: |
Medicine 3pts |
Science 3pts |
Willpower Skills: |
****Powers**** |
Power(s): Regeneration *of self and others* |
Training: Level 2 |
Mutagenic Intensity: Level 7 |
****Feats**** |
Body Modification |
Disrupt |
Passive Defense |
Red hair, blue eyes,
caucation. Her last name is deceptively Japanese, not due to her xenology, but due to who
raised her.
Isis is a nice person. Due to
her powers, Isis is very drawn to people that she knows are hurting in some way. Although,
sometimes being around a person that she doesn't have the skill to heal, Isis has been known
to become verbally hostile to the person. She is often very childish, and believes in the kind
intentions of other people much too much. She is very smart when it comes to books, and
Isis was raised with a large number
of other children, all of them taught by the same people, and all of them falsely told that
they were orphans. The truth was that these children were part of a breeding project. A
Japanese government agency that started to collect mutant soldiers who were taken as prisoners
of war started one of the first Breeding Farms for mutants. The children born in these farms
are told that they are orphans, and they are raised by people that they are told are Monks.
These Monks train the young mutant children in many forms of martial arts, and also plant many
hypnotic suggestions while they are growing up. In this way, the children can be controlled in
later life by the Monks, or by anyone that learns the trigger words.
A long time ago, the Japanese agency became a sub agency of
the G.S.A. and they have been sending in quarterly reports since then. There likely is a file
buried somewhere in the G.S.A. systems on Isis already. More than likely only those with high
level clearance would even know about its existence.
Isis's file as it would read to date (assuming that Mutant X is set 10 years in the future.
In the year 2012.):
File #594
Red hair (natural candy apple red).
Blue eyes.
Pale white skin complexion.
Born 1996, August 19 to mother Cara, file #323 Psionic Healer
and father Jarram, file #317 Psionic Telepathic.
Abilities in order of manifestation:
2000, October 17: Isis has manifested her first talent today.
At only the age of four, she is showing every sign of being a psionic healer like her mother. One
of the other children in her bunker has been acting ill lately, and after inspection, the doctors
have found the child to be suffering form a simple case of the chicken pox. Upon further study,
none of the other children in the bunker have come down with the illness because of Isis. She
seemed to have somehow felt that the first child was becoming sick, and forced everyone else to
keep a safe distance from them. The sick child has been confined to the infirmary until he receives
a clean bill of health.
2008, January 2: Isis has manifested a second talent today, at
the age of twelve. Her group has been out on a wilderness training overnight. The group woke up
under attack by a large cat. Of course all of the children had martial arts training, and there
were even three feral children with them. But the cat did manage to injure one of the psionics
before it was driven off. Isis was the only healer with her group, and the Monk that was overseeing
the trip asked her to try and manifest some type of healing for the girl's clawed leg. The results
were more than astonishing. Apparently, Isis lay her hand on the girl's leg, and the skin that had
been clawed open seemed to knit itself back together, not even leaving a scar behind. There was a
side effect that was noticed to this healing. A wound exactly like the healed wound from the girl
appeared on Isis' own leg, and took nearly three minutes for the wound to heal on Isis. And she
dropped into a deep sleep afterwards. The wilderness training overnight was cut short to bring her
back to the compound.
2008, January 4: Isis was brought in to the infirmary when the
group returned from their wilderness training. She has been in a state of deep sleep since her healing
of the attacked girl's leg. Now, nearly 40 hours after entering the deep sleep, Isis has finally woke
up. The doctors have started to run tests on Isis to understand this new ability, and attempt to
figure out if the side effect is something that will manifest everytime she heals someone, or if it
was just because of her attempting to use an ability that she hadn't used before.
2008, April 21: Isis' healing ability has been classified as a
Molecular ability, not a Psionic ability at all. The doctors have written up a complete report of
their tests, and they have sent Isis to be mentally conditioned further. It has been decided that
Isis will not be informed that her ability is anything other than a telempthic form of healing. This
is to prevent her from attempting to search out other abilities in the future. It has been observed
that most molecular New Mutants can learn more than one ability, and our superiors have decided to
try and condition Isis so that she will only develop her healing skills more effectively.
2011, August 19: Isis' fifteenth birthday. Isis has finally
started her intense training in the medical fields. Since she is going going to be here for another year
before she is sent out to try and infiltrate renegade mutant operations, these studies are going to be
mostly general. Of course all of the students have already been taught basics in First Aid. This farther
training will be in basic biology, and simple medical techniques. It is a shame that we don't have the
resources to train her as far as a RN.
2012, August 19: Isis' sixteenth birthday. Isis has left the
"monastery" today. As most of our New Mutants leave us on their sixteenth birthdays. It is easier
for them to locate other New Mutant groups when they are this age, and they are still quite capable
of protecting themselves. Isis has been successfully conditioned to infiltrate New Mutant renegade
groups, and report on their positions. The reports will be filed with the G.S.A. and any viable
breeding stock will be sent to us after they are studied. A last note, it is our wish to try and have our
young Isis to continue her training in the medical fields, if it is possible, when she is no longer of
use to our facility, perhaps she could be placed into college to train.
Isis' Mentally Conditioned Triggers (most are full sentences to avoid the accidental trigger of
any of the conditionings):
"I will forgive you this once." Due to a personality
flaw, when Isis is around a person that her abilities cannot heal safely, she tends to become
verbally hostile to this person. It was believed that this was a kind of safety measure. It is as
if Isis is trying unconsciously to drive the person away from her before she can attempt a healing
that would not only not fully help the person, but could potentially kill her. For this reason, the
trigger "I will forgive you this once" was implanted so that Isis would instead become
uncharacteristically drawn to a person that she can't actually heal in one sitting. This trigger is
hopefully only to be used in certain controlled situations, and training procedures.
"You can always come back to the monastery." When it is
time for Isis to produce a child for the next generation of test subjects, she will be contacted with
this trigger. She will return to the breeding farm, she knows it as the "monastery", and she will be
coupled with another New Mutant for breeding.
"Fate bears a hand in every life." This trigger is actually
a counter trigger for "I will forgive you this once".
"Don't worry, this is a safe place." This trigger is to set
Isis into double agent mode. When she successfully infiltrates a New Mutant underground unit, and this
phrase is uttered, she begins to methodically gather information on the inner workings of the people
and location. When she has gained enough information, she will call it in to the Monks.
XP as of 12/02/02:
9XP Unused