Guyver4 opened her eyes and looked around. Still in Cronos, I see. Oh, well. I guess that it is time for me to try to leave here. I can't stay here forever, Nill needs me, and I can't let them find out who I am. She got up and started inspecting the walls. They were made of a very strong metal, that had been reinforced. Guyver4 sighed. "Hey, Cronos? You out there?" She turned and looked through the glass in infrared. There were only a few scientists there. Kelley had gone somewhere.
One of the scientists answered her. "The Assistant Director is not here right now. You can wait for her, or you can talk to me. We really do have a lot of questions that we need answered. Are you going to answer them, or do we have to force the answers out of you?"
"Aren't you just the nicest man on the face of the earth? Get bent. I am not going to tell you anything. I am going to get out of here and break open your head. And I am a lady that always keeps her word. Just ask Shawn Checkers about that. Oh, that's right, I already killed him. Just like I promised that I would." She punched the wall. "Ouch! What kind of stuff did you use to reinforce this wall?" Guyver4 rubbed her hand.
Guyver4 heard all the scientists laughing at her. The one that had answered before chuckled and said. "You don't have to know that. That wall will not let you out is all you have to know. So, why don't you just do what we are asking of you? Just answer a few questions, and we will leave you alone. Like, where is your control metal? And what are the differences between you and the other guyvers? And how did you get your guyver unit in the first place? Just tell us what we want to know, and it will go a lot easier on you."
"I would rather die... You can't make me tell you anything. So, why don't you just let me out now, and make it easier on yourselves. I will only get out anyway and kill you when I do." She walked over to the glass that they were behind and knocked on it. "Hummm... Not all that strong. I think that I could come right through here, and get out. What do you think of that?"
There was more laughter. "You can't get out of there. We know how strong a guyver is, and that room is made to contain a guyver." The one scientist was telling her. But Guyver4 did not bother herself to tell them that she was not a normal guyver, and that she was stronger than they thought she was. She simply shook her head, and punched the glass. As the crack started to travel along the length of the glass, the scientists stopped laughing and tried to get out of the control room.
Guyver4 drew her hand back and hit the glass again, she was also pushing on it with her telekinetic abilities. The crack spread fast, and the glass shattered after only two punches. "You see, you don't know that much about guyvers after all." Then she proceeded to shred the scientists that were there and left the room. Guyver4 know that for some reason she could not teleport. She also knew that none of her other mind talents seemed to be impaired by the guyver unit that she wore. Could it just be that the control metal is sensitive to teleports and could be damaged beyond repair by trying to teleport around? I hope that is the only surprise that this unit has in store for me. I don't like surprises like this. I could have killed myself, and my control metal still hurts me. She headed for the exit of the base.
A group of ten zoanoids of varying type got in the way of her and the final exit. Apparently, the alarm had only now sounded. "You really don't want to be between me and the door right now. I am going to blow it open, and you with it. So, if you want to live. Move out of the way!" She reached up and opened the chest plates of her guyver armor. The zoanoids advanced on her. Four of them hugged to the wall and tried to avoid getting hit by the Mega Smasher. Only two of them were luck enough to manage it. The other zoanoids were toasted, and fell to the floor dead. Guyver4 extended all four of her High Frequency Blades and charged in.
"It is time for you to die." She roundhouse kicked one of the zoanoids while he was still stunned by the lose of all of his allies, and cut open his throat. The other one came running at her screaming something about his brother, and Guyver4 cut him in half with the blades at her elbows. Then she turned again to the exit.
There, in the smoke, was Thresa. She was in her hyper zoanoid form, and she was wearing the armor. "Now we can finish our battle." She advanced on Guyver4. "You did not fight fair last time. Disappearing like that. How did you do that anyway? It was like you moved faster than light."
"Well, that is one of the abilities of this unit. I can move at FTL speeds. But not in the full atmosphere. I have to be at least halfway up into space. The Creators wanted to make sure that I could destroy ALL of the other units and zoanoids, even if my unit was not activated until man had found out how to get to other worlds." Where the hell did that come from? Is that my control metal talking to me again? I hope so. That would mean that I am on the road to recovery. Guyver4 took up a defensive stance.
Kelley held Nilla to her as the girl cried. "It will be okay. Don't worry. Isis will be back soon. You know that Cronos can't hold a guyver for long. She will get out and come back, and you will feel silly for worrying so much then. You will see." She did not know whether to believe her own words though. She had overseen the reinforcement of that chamber, and she was not at all sure that Guyver4 could get out of it.
Nilla sobbed again. "She has not contacted me at all. You said that she has slept in some kind of coma for days. You said that she had gotten hurt, and that she told you that she might have hurt her control metal. What am I supposed to think about that? She may be dying, and what could you do to help her. What if she wakes up and does not remember anything? What if the control metal is erasing everything that is Isis about her, and rewriting her with just some programing the Creators wanted her to have? She told me before that she was afraid of the pre-programing inside the control metal." The girl sobbed out.
Kelley did not know what to tell the girl. She did not know the answers to the questions that Nilla asked. Nor did she know the answers to the ones that she was asking herself. She had no idea how to help the girl. Kelley had never had to be a mother to anyone, and she did not know if she ever would. Kelley did not know if that was something that she had in her, the ability to raise a kid.
They both turned as they heard someone coming in the front door. Kelley started to tell Nilla to stay on the sofa while she went to see who it was, but then they heard Isis calling out to them. "Anyone here?! Nilla? Kelley? Anyone at all..." They ran to the entrance hall and saw Isis fall on her nose. "Ouch. I guess I overdid it just a bit too much. I don't think that I can move. I hurt all over."
Kelley picked her up, and carried her upstairs to her room, while Nilla said something about getting her something to drink. "Isis, you know you look like hell? You were out for a few days in that chamber. How did you get out? And did anyone see you without your guyver armor on?" Kelley asked as soon as Isis was in the bed.
"Kelley, I am sorry about what I said to you when I was Guyver4. But I could not let anyone know that I knew you. You understand? Don't you?" Kelley nodded, and Isis took the glass of orange juice that Nilla brought in to her. "Thank you, Nill. I am sorry to have worried you. But that is just what happens when your mom has a high-risk job, like being a guyver. Don't worry... No one knows who I am, but you two, and Agito. Even if that will not be the case soon. I overheard a conversation while I was escaping. Kelley, Director Johnson is coming back sooner than you thought. He will be here in two days. And then all of Cronos will know who I really am." Isis sighed, and dropped off to sleep.
Nilla caught the glass before it fell out of Isis' hand and looked at Kelley. "She was talking as if you were going to tell this Director guy that she is Guyver4. You would not do that. Would you, Kelley?" The girl looked at her with both hate and hope in her eyes all at the same time.
Kelley just looked back at the girl. "Nilla, I can't expect you to understand this. But, yes, I am going to tell him that I know who Guyver4 is. I have to. And Isis knows, and understands, that I have to do just that."
Nilla looked at Kelley, her eyes had gone wide. "She is your friend! You told me that she was your only friend. How can you do something like this to her?! How can you tell the people that want her dead, or worse, that you know who she really is?! What kind of friend are you?!" She was crying again.
"Nilla... Child... You don't understand. I can't not tell Director Johnson. I have to tell him. It is not something that I have a choice in. I truly cannot keep anything from him. The man can get into my head, and if he reads that I have been trying to keep a secret from him... He will kill me, and the people that secret was to protect. That means you, Isis, and me. Not just Isis. If that is possible. Guyvers don't die off easily. Try to keep that in mind. Please, Isis does know that I am going to tell him. She is making plans for when that happens. Just let her do it. Now, lets go downstairs and let her get some rest. She has been in her guyver armor for days." Kelley tried to make the girl understand that no zoanoid, not even a hyper could disobey a Zorlord.
Nilla nodded, and walk out of the room, and down the stairs. "Okay, I will let Isis handle it. But I hold you responsible if anything happens to her. She is all I have now. And I am all that she has ever had." She walked into the kitchen, dumped what was left of the orange juice down the drain, and put the glass into the dishwasher. "Kelley, thank you. I know that you are doing what you can. You are a zoanoid after all. You have to do what Cronos says. Isis does like you and trust you. I guess I should too."
"No, Nilla. Don't trust me just because Isis does. I want you to trust me. But not like that. Maybe that can be one of the reasons, but not the only one. Trust is either just there, or it is earned. I know for Isis and me, the trust was always there. But for you and me, I have to earn your trust. Please, let me. I will if you will just let me try. I am not like the ones that killed your mother... I have feelings, and did not want them going out there after you girls in the first place." She looked at the child that she knew had almost shared her fate. She would have become a zoanoid too. If Guyver4 had not been out there. "Do you want me to stay here until Isis wakes up? Or do you think that you can handle it?"
"I will be fine... I will call you if she wants you to come back for anything. Thank you, Kelley. It really does mean a lot to me that Isis has a friend." The girl walked up the stairs, and into her own room.
Isis sat up in her bed. She had slept for a few hours, and was felling much better. She closed her eyes and tried to remember what had happened in the fight with Thresa. Try as she might, Isis could just not recall any part of it. She could however remember taking the bodyarmor from the body, and she hid it... Where did I hide it? I have no idea were I hid it. Great! I go through all of that to get the armor, and now I have misplaced it. Isis stood up, and walked downstairs and into the kitchen.
"Mom?!" Nilla called from upstairs. "Is that you?!" The girl came running out of her room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. She skidded to a halt and looked up at Isis. "You feeling any better after your nap? You slept for a while. You really should sit down. I will make you something to eat. Go on sit down." Nilla pushed Isis over to the kitchen bar, and pulled one of the stools out for her. Then she went over to the refrigerator and started getting things out to cook.
"You know you should not run, or scream, in the house. Especially not down the stairs. And I am just fine. I just got a bit overworked this time. That hyper zoanoid, with that armor, was almost too strong for me. I am sure that I beat her. But I can't remember how, or what happened at all when I fought her. I do remember what happened in my escape before I ran into her near the door. Near what was left of the door after I melted it, that is." She sighed. "I don't know if she damaged me, or not. But my head sure did hurt for a while. What are you cooking anyway?"
The girl turned and looked at her. "You are as bad as me. Rattling off one thing after the other. I guess it is just that we missed each other so much. I am fixing leftovers. From when you were not here to eat with me. I saved you some fried chicken, chicken pot pie, meat loaf, and three slices of pepperoni pizza."
Isis laughed. "You know? I think I may eat it all too. I am so hungry. I haven't eaten since you saw me last. And I have really used a lot of my body's reserves. I hope you have some colas for me to wash it all down with. I don't want to choke." She started in on the pizza just as soon as Nilla took the slices from the microwave. And drank the cola that Nilla brought her to go with the meal. Then she ate the last of the pot pie, and the meat loaf, and drank another cola with them. She shook her head at the fried chicken and put down the empty cola can. "I can't eat another bite. Thanks, Nill. You do cook so much better than me. I never had to learn how at the orphanage, or the boarding school. Except in the home economics class that I had to take."
Nilla looked at her over her shoulder as she started to clean the dishes. "Oh? You sound as if it wasn't a bad life. But before you sounded as if you would never let another child live in an orphanage again. Which is it?"
"It really isn't that bad, if you are in one of the good orphanages. But it wasn't that with you. You had lost your mother because I wasn't there fast enough. And you have mind talents that I know how to train you to use. It was dumb luck that I learned how to use mine, and did not hurt myself in the process. You have enough telekinesis that you would be able to teleport, just like me. That can be extremely dangerous. Especially if you have no idea what you are doing. I almost came out of a teleport in a wall once. That could have been very painful, could have killed myself like that. I could not let you go through that. I had to help you learn, and keep you safe. The people at Cronos can't find out which girls were in your scout group. But they could find out about you, because of your mother's death and the police report. They may have come after you, and I could not let that happen. Could I?" Isis sat there just looking at the girl as she washed the dishes. "You are the cleanest child that I have ever been around. Did you know that?"
Nilla laughed. "My mother was always doing something. So I always had to do the cooking and cleaning. The only real time I got to spend with her was when we went camping, or something, with the scout group. And the only reason she did that was to get on her boss' good side. His daughter was in that scout group too. Don't get me wrong... I loved my mother very much. But I never really got to see that much of her after daddy died. That was years ago. When I was only four years old. Do you think that Cronos would have really come after me? I don't like those zoanoid things one bit. Why do you help Cronos make the zoanoids, if you are just going to kill them all later?"
Isis sighed and looked away. "Nill, I did not want to tell you anything about it. But I guess that you have the right to know something about what it is to be a guyver. Seeing as I am your mom now, and I am a guyver. A guyver is immortal. I will not die of old age. I don't think that I will even get any older, physically, than I am now; than I was when I got my unit. Look at me, Nill, do I really look like I am nineteen to you? No, I look like I am sixteen. That is when I got my guyver unit. My body has not aged since then. I know that there is one way for me to die, though. If I complete my mission to destroy all other guyver units, and zoanoids; then I will kind of self destruct. I don't want that to happen, do you? So I do help Cronos to make more zoanoids, like I help the guyvers to keep the zoanoids from being too big a threat to mankind. Do you understand now?"
Nilla nodded. "I guess I do now. Mom, what happened to you in Cronos, while you were captured? And how did you manage to escape? If you don't mind my asking."
Isis smiled over at the girl that she felt so close to. When did she become a daughter to me, and not just the girl that I was trying to save from being a lab rat at Cronos? "Nill, nothing really happened. I did something stupid, and hurt myself. I passed out while I was fighting that hyper in armor. When I woke up I was in Cronos, in a holding chamber. They thought that it was reinforced enough that I would not be able to get out. They were wrong. Nothing more happened."
Kelley was in awe of the destruction that Guyver4 had caused. It was said that Guyver4 had used her mega smasher once during the escape. The great doors of Death Valley Base had been completely destroyed. That fact alone told her how powerful Guyver4's mega smasher must be. And it also gave her some idea of just how much stronger all of Guyver4's weapons must be than the weapons of the normal guyvers. She was not in the habit of being scared of anything, except maybe getting Director Johnson mad at her, but she was beginning to be afraid of Guyver4. How long could she and Isis really stay friends? And would Isis be able to kill her if it came to a battle between the two of them? For that matter, could she bring herself the kill Isis. Orders, or not, she did not think that she could bring herself to do such a thing.
"Assistant Director, we could not stop her from escaping. She was too powerful. She killed Thresa, and took the prototype bio armor suit. We could not follow her... She flew up into the air, and them blew up the helicopter pad." One of the workers was telling her as the desperately tried to get great doors replaced.
Before she could say anything to the man, on of the Director's assistants came up to her. "Assistant Director, I have news that the Director will be returning in two days. You will of course have a report ready for him of everything that has happened while he has been away? Won't you, Assistant Director?"
Kelley only nodded. She did not know what she was going to do. She had told Nilla to tell Isis that she was on vacation, and that she did not have to come back to Cronos for three more days. That would give the Director time to find out who she was, and give her time to prepare for what was going to happen. But Kelley still did not know how she herself would prepare for what she knew she had to do. She did not want to tell the Director Isis' secret, but she truly had no other choice.
All of the repairs had been made to the base and the helicopter pad. Now the helicopter with Director Johnson was landing, and Kelley was waiting there to greet him. He walked strait over to her, and then headed for the entrance to the base. "I have heard many things, things that make me question the loyalty of some of our people. We will go to my office before we discuss this any farther."
Once there Director Johnson sat down and told her to report on everything. "Sir, the first full test of the biometal armor was a success. Thresa not only found that the armor worked as the techs said that it would, she also captured Guyver4. We have data from the tests that we ran on the guyver unit, but none of them tell us very much. Guyver4 escaped, and took the biometal suit with her, all attempts to locate her have not been successful. Also, Isis and her adopted daughter, Nilla, have moved out of the base and into a house near Vegas. Isis will come back from her vacation tomorrow."
The Director looked at her. "Have you been able to find out the identity of Guyver4?"
"Yes, Director. I have..." Kelley took a deep breath and tried not to think about how much harm she was about to do to her friend. "I have known for some time before she was captured, sir. Guyver4 is Isis from Japan. She knows that I know who she is, and that you now know, and she fully intends on coming into work tomorrow. I did try to convince her that this was not the best idea for her. She is my friend, after all. Isis told me that she was too close to a breakthrough in the work that she was doing to not come in and finish what she started. What have I done to my friend? What have I done to her?
The Director looked at Kelley for a long moment. "The work that Isis was referring to... It was the project of improving a zoanoid, after it has already been made into a zoanoid. Am I correct?" Kelley nodded. "Why would a guyver want to create something like that. I would think that she would only want to destroy the work that she has done here, not finish it. Are you sure that she intends to come here and complete her work? Even knowing that I know who she is? And she does not hold any malice against you for telling me who she is? I find all of this very hard to believe... But you believe it to be true, don't you?" He looked at her, and she knew that he did not want any answers from her, so she did not speak. "When Isis does show up, have her come to my office before she goes to her lab, or anything. Understand me, Kelley?"
"I do, sir, I will see to it myself." Kelley told him.
That night Nilla woke up crying often. She could not help but feel that she was about to lose another person that she loved. In the morning she went down and made breakfast, then went to wake Isis up. Isis hugged her as soon as she opened the door. "I am already up, Nill. Come on, that food down there smells wonderful." They walked down the stairs together, and ate the meal of eggs, grits, toast, and bacon. "Nill, tell me what is wrong, and I will try and fix it..."
Nilla did not look at her. "That Director guy knows who you are and you are still going there today. They will kill you. I don't want you to die too."
Isis took the girl into her arms. "Nill, dear. Don't worry about it. Everything is going to be just fine. I just know that it is... And when I come home today, we will go out and get you that dog, together. Now, I know that I said that I would pick it out myself, but I think that you should have some say in it too. Okay, Nill?"
Nilla sniffed and clung to her. "Okay... Oh, please, don't go. What if something goes wrong? How do you know that it won't go wrong? Please don't go. Please don't go. I don't want to lose you too. Please don't go." She wept on Isis' shoulder.
"Now, Nill... There, there... It will be just fine. I do know a little about what possible future this day could play out. Just trust me. You can do that can't you? Now, listen. Your sitter will be here in a few minutes, and I have to get to the airport to catch the helicopter out to the base. You be nice to your sitter. He will take really good care of you. I promise. He is a zoanoid, that was my lab assistant for a while. He is kind of like Kelley, only not a hyper. Understand?" She put the girl down and went to the door just as the man knocked. "Right on time. Come into the kitchen."
The man nodded and walked with Isis into the kitchen. Nilla was standing in front of the stove with a very frightened look in her eyes. "She looks like a deer waiting that split second before the car hits it. You did tell her that I was coming didn't you, ma'am? That I was going to be protecting her?"
"Oh, I did. I also told her that you are a zoanoid. I think that is what she is reacting to. Zoanoids killed her mother, and now she is afraid that they will kill me, not without reason, of corse. Nilla, this is Micheal Bane. Micheal, this is my daughter Nilla Sandstone. Nilla, you know the hyper zoanoid type Kelley? That type was named after Kelley... Micheal is one of the zoanoid type Verbose. It is the zoanoid type that Kelley's hyper form was made to look like. The Verbose are one of the oldest forms of zoanoids, Humans in the bronze age called them vampires. You don't have to be afraid around him. I know that he will take good care of you while I am gone. Nothing will happen to you, or me, while I am at work today."
Isis walked out of the house and got in the taxi that would take her to the airport. Nilla just stared at Micheal as if he was a vampire, and she was about to be his meal. "You know, you don't have anything to worry about. I may only have claws, fangs, and eyes that look like they should be in the head of some radioactive cat; but I can protect you from just about any danger that you could face here. Even other zoanoids. Short of being a Zorlord, I am the best you can have on your side, really."
"You might not be on our side for long after today. That is what I am worried about." She did not go near him as she cleaned off the table, and started to wash the breakfast dishes. "I don't know why she had to leave anyone here with me at all. I can handle myself."
Micheal sat down. "You mean your mental talents. Yes, I guess that would help you out a lot. But not all of the time. Look, if you are worried about my finding out about Isis being Guyver4, I already know that. It is hard to keep anything from the Verbose. We do not call ourselves zoanoids, not really. We are the Verbose, the first type of zoanoid that the Creators made. Sure there are a lot of types now, but they all started with us. There are not many zoanoids now that can go against the wishes of a Verbose, unless it directly conflicts with the orders of a Zorlord. Needless to say, there are not many Verbose zoanoids around anymore."
Nilla turned and looked at him. "Why is that? Why is it that there are not more of you, Verbose types? I would think that Cronos would want as many of a good thing as it could get, and if you were the first type ever made, wouldn't Cronos see you as a good thing?"
"No. The Zorlords took over Cronos from the Verbose some 3000 years ago. They have only made a few more of us since then, and have let many people find out about us. That stake through the heart thing was a Zorlord's idea. And everything you know about vampires, those are just rumors started by the Zorlords. And of corse our body turns to dust if you stake us, we are just like all other zoanoids, there is no evidence left behind after our deaths. As for the afraid of crosses..." Micheal laughed. "If you knew that aliens created the Humans, not God, would you go to church? Now, maybe, just maybe, God made the aliens come and make Humans... But I still don't see that as a reason to go to church. Do you?"
Nilla did not feel like going into religion with anyone right now. She need to believe, today more than most, that someone was hearing her prayers. "How old are you?" She asked as she put away the cleaned dishes.
"I will tell you as soon as you have that plate in the cabinet." He waited until she no longer had the plate in her hand. "I am over 1000 years old. The oldest Verbose still around. Even if I do look like I am only eighteen. I am not sure how long we can live... I do know that my father was a Verbose, he was more than 1,000,000 years of age. But he never would tell me exactly how old he really was. I guess that I have carried on that tradition." He smiled at her as she sat down. "I really will protect you as best as I can. Don't worry about Isis either. She is far from helpless, you know."
"I know. It just scares me so much, what she is doing today. It is like walking right up to Fate and double daring her to give you a really messy death. You really are over 1,000 years old... Wow... What about the thing about the sun killing you?" Nilla could not see how this almost frail man could protect her.
He chuckled. "That was a very good lie. Do you think that many zoanoids show their forms to everyone, in broad daylight. No, they wait till the night to take their zoanoid form, so there is less chance of being spotted. So the monstrous vampires were not ever seen in the daytime. And when they were staked at night, and people found in the morning that one of their relatives, or neighbors, were missing... Well, the vampire must have sucked out their blood and buried them somewhere."
"Do you really think that my mom will be ok?" Nilla looked at him with such innocent need in her eyes.
Micheal nodded. He knew that if anything happened to Isis, this girl was going to need a lot of help. She would be open season for all of the zoanoids in Cronos to come after. And he did not want to think what they would do to her if she could not get away from them. He would not let that happen to her. She was innocent, and she should be allowed to stay out of Cronos if she wanted to. "Don't you worry. She can take care of herself. And you can count on me to take care of you while she is away. I sware it by my own blood, and the blood of all those of my line, before me, and after." He smiled at her and she laughed. At least they were off to a good start. He could not have hoped for her to warm up to him so quickly, but he was glad that she had.
This is the end of the fourth installment of Guyver4's adventures. I hope you enjoyed it, and the new armor that you know she will be using in later installments. Remember to look forward to the fifth installment.
Written by Guyver4, Anita E. Singley