    Here are my Alaska pictures that I snapped from the movie.   Please don't take any of these pictures for your own personal use on the internet.  Thanks. :)
 The Alaska cover
 A picture of Jessie and Sean
 Sean walking through a store
 Sean freaking from a bird
 Sean looking at a security guard after Sean kicked over a garbage
 Sean still looking at security guard
 Security guard telling Sean to clean up the mess with a tooth brush
 Sean talking to security guard
  Sean turning away from father in security office
 Sean talking to father how he hates it in Alaska
 Sean watching his father and sister talk and eat
Sean yelling at his father
 Sean watching Jessie who is calling father
 Sean sitting and wondering what happened to his father
 Sean calling for his father over the radio
 Sean and Jessie going looking for their father
 Sean telling Jessie that she cannot come
 Sean still telling Jessie that she can't go with him
 Sean and Jessie land on shore
 Sean and Jessie spot a helicopter
 Sean adn Jessie have to find a lighter to make a fire
 Sean and Jessie letting a polar bear (Cubby) free
 Sean and Jessie trying to make it down a mountain
 Like above picture
 Still trying to make it down
 Still trying to make it down
 Sean laying on the ground after falling down the mountain
 Sean getting up after falling
 Sean getting up after falling
 Sean talking to Jessie
 Sean in the boat
 Sean sitting after getting out of the river
 Sean still sitting
 Sean still sitting
 Sean and Jessie looking at the mountains
 Sean is going to follow Cubby
 Sean and Jessie are watching a helicopter coming
 Sean watching the helicopter get Cubby
 Sean saying goodbye to Cubby
 Sean still saying bye to Cubby
 Sean ready to leave

    Okay, those were all my pictures from Alaska, but here is one that I found on the internet.  I have no idea where I found it, but I am almost sure that most of you don't have this picture because it was up on a site that was talking about Alaska and they shut that site down long time ago.

 Sean and Jessie staring up a mountain
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