Real Full Name: Christopher Peter Kieffer
Screen Name: Vincent Paul Kartheiser (pernounced =  Kar-thy-zer)
Birthdate: May 05, 1979 (19)
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Height - 5'10"
Weight - 120 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Very Blue
College Attending: UCLA
Major: History
Favorite Drink: Mountain Dew
Hobbies: Billiards, basketball, mountain climbing, monopoly, crossward
                  puzzzels, pool, rollerbladding
Favorite Music: Alice In Chains, The Doors, Phish
Favorite Authors: Jane Eyer, Shakespear, Dostoyevsky, Edgar Alan Poe
Parents - Jim and Janet Kartheiser
Siblings - Elise 27; Andrea 24; Collette 22; Nate 20

Girl Of His Dreams: She should be adventurous and she should be a music
                                     lover.  All others need not to apply.
Write To Vincent At(1997 address):
            Vincent Kartheiser
            c/o Mike Cultler
            84481/2 Melrose Please
            Los Angeles, CA 90069

Minnesota "It's my ultimate place, I love it there and I will never

"I don't need a [college] degree right now.  The reason I want one is [that] there is stuff out there that I don't know yet, and as long as I don't know it, I should learn it." (BB 11/97)

Vinnie Kartheiser, on the other hand, is homeschooled, which he likes, but, "No prom and that sucks," says Vinnie.

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