
      Hi.  First, before I tell you about myself, I would like to thank all of you Vincent fans for coming to my page.  You guys rule! :)  I know that this page would not be here without your support and come here to see Vinnie.  Thank you very much to each of you. :)

     I am seventeen years old as of March 20th.  My name is Malakai Schindel -- I totaly love Vinnie, I think that he's the best looking actor on the face of this planet.
     I first found out about Vinnie when I was at my local Walmart on September 7, 1996, and I saw him on the cover of a TeenBeat issue.  He was in black with a light blue wall behind him and he was sitting on a chair.  Back then, I never looked in teeny-bopper magazines, but I had just seen him on the cover and I liked him.  So, I wrote his name down on a peice of paper and the date to know when I liked him.  I never really thought that much of him afterward.  Well, in January of 1997, I got the hots for Brad Renfro (who I absolutely don't like anymore - don't take any offense though if yo are a Brad Renfro fan :)  ) because I saw "Tom and Huck" the movie.  So I went out there and bought a magazine with Brad Renfro on the cover.  Well, inside the magazine was a picture of Vinnie.  When I went home and cut up the magazine, I found a picture of Vinnie.  It was one that was smiling down into the camera from above -- my main pic on my webpage.  It was so awesome that I forgot all about Brad Renfro and I totally fell in love with Vinnie.  At that time I remembered that I had seen Vinnie at Walmart before.   Since i remembered that I had liked Vinnie before, I knew that I was going to totally like him -- an it wasn't just one picture that I liked. :) The next day I went out and bought all the magazines that I could find of Vinnie.  I went on a Vinnie search ever since January of 1997.  I have collected many pictures of him and I even made some discoveries of things in my mind to represent him.
       There was this dream that I had that Vinnie bought a Walmart umbrealla.  It had a huge yellow smilie face right in the middle of it and the rest of the umbrealla was clear.  Well, ever since then, when I see a yellow smilie faces it reminds me of Vinnie.  Thus, in my mind every cute yellow smilie face represets Vinnie.  I go far out and find all the little smilie yellow faces that I can.  I have collected quite a few.  I even scanned them in and put them on my page for you to see. :)  Then one day my sister had this drawing class and i was helping her draw a picture. Well, I liked to draw quick little cheap bees at the time and so I drew a bee to represent Vinnie. :) I called it Vinnie bee.  It is also on my page. :)  I hope that these representations do not offend anyone. I just thought that they were cute and everything.  :)
    I think that Hanson is very awesome too!  -- I think that Tay is the best of them and if you want to see Taylor then you can visit my Taylor page too at: A Taylor Hanson Image World.  It is also a page where I only have my own pictures. :)  But if you are looking for isaac or Zac Hanson, you can find tons of them there too.  Well, I enoy listening to music of course!  I like pop, rock, and country and little of other stuff -- like certain groups.  I like Hanson, Enya, Tracy Chapman, Richard Marx, Allison Krousse, Sarah McLachlan, and Bryan Admas.  Some of my favorite songs are:   "MMMBop",  "I Will Come To You", "Ever Lonely,"and  "With You In My Dreams" all performed by Hanson; "I Will Be Right Here Waiting For You" by Richard Marx; "Fast Car", "New Beginning", and "Cold Feet" by Tracy Chapman; "Moments Like This" by Allison Krouse; "Everything I Do I Do It For You" by Brian Adams; "Building A Mystery" by Sarah McLachlan; and also "Kiss The Rain" by Billie Myers. :)
     I like to watch basketball of certain teams like the Kansas Jayhawks (college basketball), because I like Ryan Robertson their point guard and is number four.
    My favorite movies are "Titanic", "Twister", "Jurassic Park", "I Know What You Did Last Summer", and "Face Off".  Those are realy good movies. :)
    I would like to say hi to my sweetest friends!!! If you would like to become my friend -- them just write me! I would love more friends hehe.  Hi -- Jean!!! Leanne!!! Laura!!! Kelli!!! SlvrTigr!!! Dezhdb!!! Jenna!!! Cassi!!! Tracey!!! Frida!!!!  Jennifer (@hotmail hehe)!!! Jennifer (my cousin)!!!! Maggie2 (my sister)!!!! Aeron (my brother)!!! Zack (my brother)!!! Hi to the rest of my family and friends!!! :) And Hi to you too!!!!!! :)

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