
    Here are some poems that I found in magazines that people wrote for Vinnie.  Awww. . . just look how sweet -- why don't you write him a poem.  If you have any poems that you would like to have me put on my page, please email me.  Thanks. :)

VINNIE KARTHEISER is Mellisa's Everything
You were my cool drink
to the hot day,
when I first saw you
back in May.
You made my stomach
twinkle inside
and made me put
Andrew aside.
You are a new sight
to these blue eyes,
for when I see your face,
my hopes quickly rise.
When the wind blows,
all I hear is your name,
for you are my light
and my shining fame.
You are the chocolate
in my Hershey's Kiss,
and I keep waiting for
that one and only wish. . .
For my only love to at
last be mine!
                                                                                        by Melissa Little of Northfield, OH
I'm thinking, dreaming
constantly of you,
feeling, knowing
that I love you.
Sensing, seeing
how you haunt me and
wishing, hoping
that you want me.
Minding how I need you,
complaining how I need you,
no thought I have exists
above you.
But in my heart, I know
I love you.
                                                                            by Linda Casas of Phoenix, AZ

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