History of the telenovela


The premiere of the Radio Caracas Televicion's telenovela "Kassandra"
was on septembre 29, 1992. This 
telenovela with 150 episodes was
created two years. It was shooting 
in Venezuela and Argentina when 
the circus "Brothers Suarez" joined
to the actors crew. This circus have
120 years history. The actors traveled
with the circus and shooting there. "Kassandra" is the third and the most successful variant of a famous in 
Venezuela novel. The first screening
are called - "Milagros" /"A girl called Milagros"/, the second ''The girl from 
the circus". Both was very successful.
Delia Fiallo decided to transform it in telenovela. For this film was engaged wellknown Venezuelian actors and the famous in the world at that time 
Osvaldo Rios and Henry Soto. And the
success don't late. "Kassandra" win the hearts of the people all over the world:
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Italy,
Uruguai, Peru, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, USA, Canada,
China, Colombia, Romania, Jugoslavia,
Venezuela, India, Russia, Spain, Greece,
Czchehoslovakia, Macedonia and many others. Two hundred thousand people crowded in front of the hotel where 
President Bill Clinton was staying in Indonesia. But they were not waiting to 
meet the President of the strongest nation. They were waiting to get a glimse of 
Caraima Torres , who plays the title role. President Clinton ended up moving his 
hotel on account of the noise of the crowd. 
Everyday, Americans sent 25 ~ 30 letters 
to the leading actor and actress of 
Kassandra. It recieved a 49% rating 
when it was televised in the States. 
That is the reason the telenovelas are so popular, because they are romantic stories, something people of all different cultures value. 


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