Natire and man together created
Nessebur - this charming small town situated on a smal
peninsula in the Black Sea,
36 km north of Bourgas. It's picturesque location has made it a
attractive target for artists, poets and tourists, for those fond of art
and romance. In fact, it is one of
the oldest towns in Europe, having preserved remains of several
historic ages - from
the times of the Thracians
and ancient Greeks, of Romans, Byzantines and proto - Bulgarians.
"A wonderful town amidst
the sea" - that's how Herodotus described old Messembria,
Nessebur's name when it was
a prospering Greek colony on the Black Sea coast. At that time
the town was adorned with
temples, statues, a theatre and monumental public buildings. Ships
were built here and coins
minted. The town's greatest wealth are it's many churches, some of
the best preserved mediaeval
architectural monuments not only in Bulgaria, but in the whole
Balkan Peninsula as well:
the new bishop's residence with original murals and carvings, the
old bishop's residence in
an early Buzantine style, the Pantocrator Church
with colourful
ceramic decorations in difference
architectural forms. Standing out above all with it's richly
decorated facade and multitude
of ornaments and motifs, is the Ioan Alitourgitis Church of the
12th - 14th century. The
old houses too, lend particular fascination to Nessebur - monuments
in roses
of ancienrt church
& barks