Rila Monastery - the symbol of Bulgarian faith


The Rila Monastery is included in the UNESCO List of World Cultural Heritage.
Situated in the heart of the Rila Mountains, 119 kilometres south of Sofia, the
Monastery was founded in the 10th century. An inaccessible fortress from the
outside, it reveals a totally different world behind its heavy gates: exquisite archi-
tecture, with arches and columns, 1 200 outdoor murals, sunlit verandahs and
old fontains. In the monastery yard is Hrelyo's Tower, dating from 1335 and the
large Assumption Church with murals by Zahari Zograph, Stanislav Dospevski
and other famous National Revival artists. The monastery museum contains many
valuable historic documents, ancient books and manuscripts, church plates and
gilded charters, altogether over 41 000 exhibits.