About Me
hello all. well u know that the about me portion of a site can be boring and that's basically me. boring. i don't do much. i love to write html, in fact that is what i am trying to pursue a career in. I am graduated from highschool and will be attending devry over the next two years. i do like to skate and lift aside from writing html. i am no x games contestant but i can perform some nifty tricks on my skates. i skate whenever i can. my lifting schedule though, isn't whenever i can. i lift about once a week or twice, depending on what i am going for. but once a week mostly. lol :)

My Interests
movies: i like all sorts of movies. animated are my favorites and movies like mall rats and clerks come in second followed shortly by horror movies (my favorite being scream 3). favorite movies: fight club, toy story 2, emporers new groove, mallrats, clerks, chasing amy, and dogma just to name a few....
music: heavy metal/alternative
favorite albums: tool/undertow, aenema, lateralus; smashing pumpkins/all of their albums; metallica/and justice for all, black, master of puppets,load, reload,s&m; slipknot/slipknot; 311/311, transistor, sound system; linkin park/hybrid theory; white zombie/astrocreep, la sexorcisto; led zepplin/everything of theirs; and loads more.....
ppl/comics/actors/actresses:jay and silent bob! they rule! those two have got to be the funniest pair i have ever seen. besides these two i also like margret chao (spelling?) and of course tom green now and then. david foley and the entire cast of the kids in the hall. and david spade, i have been told i resemble him before...also, there's, kelsey grammar (spelling?) and the guy who plays niles on frasier. jack from will and grace is my hero :) ok...'nough bout this...
sweets: i love anything sweet and anything sour. i love ice cream and candy. oh and pop too! :)
staying fit and healthy: even though i like sweets alot, i still like to cut back on them and eat right.
lifting: if i didn't lift I'd be bored to death. lifting is one of my favorite hobbies :) if i'm not in the weight room, i feel out of place.
aggressive inline: :) don't get me started...i'd fill this page and more...

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