OnlineHost: Copyright 1998 America Online, Inc. All : Rights Reserved. : OnlineHost: Welcome to America Online's premiere : showcase for live events! AOL Live can : accommodate thousands of guests and is : the place to meet personalities ranging : from film and TV celebrities, sports : stars, best-selling authors and more! : Each event is led by MCs to guide you : through the event. OnlineHost: From the audience you can "talk" to : members in your "row." Text typed : in your "row" is prefaced by the row : number you're in, shown in parentheses : preceding your text. The MCs and guests : onstage cannot see your text unless the : row "chat" is "broadcast." Try it. You : can't break anything! OnlineHost: Want to simply watch the discussion : onstage and not the chat in your : rows? Here's how! Click on the : "Who's In My Row?" button then : click on the "Turn Chat Off" button. : To re-activate chat in your row, : simply click on the "Turn Chat : On" button. OnlineHost: To interact with those onstage, click : the "Participate in Event" button. : Select either "Ask a Question" or "Send : a Comment." Please be aware that it may : not be possible to address all items : sent to the stage due to time : constraints. Questions or comments not : relevant to the event will not be used. AOLiveMC11: Welcome to AOL Live, Chris Owens! ChrsOwens: Thank you Question: How many episodes are you going to be in this season? - CSM731 ChrsOwens: I'm going to do about half. ChrsOwens: I think they might do about 21 or 22... Question: Will we ever sympathize with Agent Spender or will he always be Question: portrayed as Mulder's enemy in the FBI? - D2bourget ChrsOwens: That has a lot to do with Chris Carter....and how he wants to do the episodes. Question: Did you ever work in vancouver? - DIDIDI ChrsOwens: Yeah, I did an episode of Millenium... ChrsOwens: which was written by James Wong... ChrsOwens: and a Stargate... Question: Chris, Can you tell us if Spender will be in episodes other than THE Question: BEGINNING. why are the aliens so mad? Covino97 ChrsOwens: lol ChrsOwens: I will be in more then the first episode for sure... ChrsOwens: and the third... Question: Chris do you love the X files??? - WNTR BABEE ChrsOwens: I'm an employed actor on a fabulous show... ChrsOwens: How could I not love the X-Files? Question: Do you know the meaning of weeb? - X-Filesaholics - Scully9210 ChrsOwens: ChrsOwens: if weeb only believe in the aliens they would leave us alone... ChrsOwens: lol ChrsOwens: No.... Question: Do you actually resemble William B. Davis when he was your age? - CSM731 ChrsOwens: I don't know... ChrsOwens: I'm very gald that the folks at X-Files thought I did... ChrsOwens: I have never seen photos of him when he was younger, so I don't know if he did. Question: Do you find it a little scary, coming into a series that's become so Question: much a part of popular culture? - Imajiru ChrsOwens: Hmm... ChrsOwens: it's exciting... ChrsOwens: there may be a little scariness... ChrsOwens: People are very friendly... Question: whats your favorite eposode? - Natybaby ChrsOwens: they tell me how much they love the show. ChrsOwens: The Small Potatoes I certainly like. ChrsOwens: The Post Modern Prometheus is a great episode. Question: Don't you get scared when you shoot a show? - EmuFoot ChrsOwens: lol ChrsOwens: only when I ;ve blown a few takes in a row. ChrsOwens: The show is sort of done piece meal, bit by bit. ChrsOwens: But there are a few moments in the show ChrsOwens: when things can get a little scary. OnlineHost: Does x FILES ever effect you in real life? ChrsOwens: Sure I think so....... Question: WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A REAL FBI AGENT? - IcehotJGW ChrsOwens: I think I would rather play one on TV. OnlineHost: Have you met any real FBI agents ChrsOwens: I don't think so. Question: What is Gillian Anderson like? She is hot isn't she? - Kaeii ChrsOwens: Yes she is hot...there is no question about it... ChrsOwens: she is hot...she's hot and smart and talented. ChrsOwens: She has a wonderful sense of humor...s ChrsOwens: she's laughs out loud during takes... Question: What is Spender's motivation?Is he looking for the truth like mulder and Question: scully, or is he trying to concealit? SoulDreamX ChrsOwens: Spender's looking for the truth.. ChrsOwens: his own truth... ChrsOwens: it's not Muldaurs truth or Scully's truth Question: When you were in POST MODERN POMETHEUS did you recognize yourself? ChrsOwens: I look at photos of the Mutato now...and ChrsOwens: it is something distinct from me. ChrsOwens: they have some wonderful talent on the make-up. ChrsOwens: It took 6 hours for the make-up. Question: My girlfriend wants to know if you are going to pose for PLAYGIRL like Question: Duvovney? - CoRedWolf ChrsOwens: Did he pose for Playgirl? ChrsOwens: My subscription ran out. ChrsOwens: lol ChrsOwens: They haven't approached me with an offer. ChrsOwens: I will do it if I get to ride a horse. Question: Willyour characters mom return? ChrsOwens: I hope so. ChrsOwens: I think that's something we have to address. ChrsOwens: So far we haven't and we are up to episode 10 ChrsOwens: To my knowledge she is just lost someplace. Question: Do you believe in aliens? - CSM731 ChrsOwens: Now that I live in LA I would have to say yes. ChrsOwens: There has to be other life I think ChrsOwens: I don't know if they are barkmen or Flukemen.... Question: How long does it take to shoot an episode? - Wiggy k ChrsOwens: It takes about 8 days principle photography..... ChrsOwens: I would say about 9 days total. Question: I love, love, L - U - V the ladies. I bet being on a tv show, you get Question: ALL DA LADIES. Can you hook me up with a guest part on the show?Cuz I need to Question: meet more o doh fine LADES.I luv DA LADIES!!! - BuckHyme ChrsOwens: I also luv the ladies. ChrsOwens: and by all means, we tend to just hire people ChrsOwens: that love the ladies, ChrsOwens: so come on down to the studio. ChrsOwens: and we will get you a read. Question: Do you know Mulder and Scully as friends off the set? - Nate03060 ChrsOwens: Actually, we haven't hung out that much, they work alot. ChrsOwens: I'm sure we will. ChrsOwens: We will go out sometime and have dinner. Question: Do you ever visit X-Files chat rooms or message boards - AuntDeidra ChrsOwens: I have just purchased a computer, so it's pretty new to me. ChrsOwens: i haven't visited the chat rooms, ChrsOwens: but I have checked out some of the websites. Question: Is agent Spender and agent Mulder related...maybe brothers? - SP000KYFOX ChrsOwens: Possibly.. ChrsOwens: I don' tknow. ChrsOwens: it has not been confirmed or denied ChrsOwens: that we may be half-brothers. Question: What was the best thing you ever got for XMAS - Swifty Salarus ChrsOwens: Oh boy.... ChrsOwens: stump the panel ChrsOwens: Probably a pair of hockey skates. Question: Chris, i think you are absolutely wonderful =o) ANY plans to do other Question: things, like movies? - TammyLynnn ChrsOwens: Um, sure ChrsOwens: I 'd like to do indy features at some point. ChrsOwens: I love the theater so I well definitely be doing more of that. Question: what X-files merchandice do you own? - guest ChrsOwens: I own an official X-Files basketball ChrsOwens: that David gave to the cast and crew... ChrsOwens: at the end of the last season. ChrsOwens: Signed Question: How did you do research for your role? ChrsOwens: I got most of that from the script.... ChrsOwens: I played alot of cops on episodic tv..... Question: WIs it true that Michael McKeon will be on the show.You know Lenny, from Question: LENNY AND SQUIGGY - EllManCan ChrsOwens: I don't know.... ChrsOwens: that would be very cool. ChrsOwens: But I don't know. Question: What's it like to be the guy everybody hates? :) - Mello - Scully9210 ChrsOwens: Well it's fun. ChrsOwens: Right how it's fun. ChrsOwens: I think the darker characters tend to be more fun to play. ChrsOwens: i think as Spender I am just doing my job... Question: what would you like to have your character do in the future? - guest ChrsOwens: I think it would be fun to have Spender confront his ChrsOwens: non-belief with hard evidence.... ChrsOwens: and find out what happened to my mother.... OnlineHost: thank you for joining us ChrsOwens: The X-Files starts November 8th ChrsOwens: be sure to watch the season premiere. ChrsOwens: Thanks. ChrsOwens: The X-Files is up for an award. ChrsOwens: KEYWORD: You've got fans. ChrsOwens: Make sure you vote. OnlineHost: Remember today's event was brought to you by KEYWORD ASYLUM OnlineHost: Copyright 1998 America Online, Inc. All : Rights Reserved. :