
Things To Do About What Happened in "One Son" (besides scream in anguish):

  Mourn: Visit the Spender Memorial. Leave a message or token for dear departed Jeffrey.

  Take Action: Go to the official site, and give Chris Carter a piece of your mind. Or e-mail Fox. Better yet, check these guidelines, then write an old-fashioned, snail-mail letter, and send it to:

Mr. Chris Carter
Executive Producer
"The X-Files"
20th Century Fox
10201 W. Pico Blvd.
Building 41, Suite 100
Los Angeles, CA 90035

  Deny Everything: Go to the Ferret Cage Fiction Archive and read all the stories about how Spender's Not Really Dead. Or write one yourself. Hey, we didn't see a body. We didn't see any blood. We didn't even see the shot hit. CSM shot the wall, like Skinner did in "Zero Sum" and Mulder did in "Demons." He couldn't kill the mother of his son, whom he claims he never loved, even to save the whole human race. Surely he wouldn't kill his own son. Or maybe Spender was only wounded, and someone will rescue him. (Krycek? Marita?) You know the drill....

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