Chris Owens in As Is

"Hailed on Broadway, As Is tells a deeply moving story with insight, compassion, and uproarious flashes of wit. It concerns a New York writer played winningly by Robert Carradine who contracts AIDS and how this affects him, his friends and his family. He is taken in and cared for by his ex-lover who is portrayed in a tour de force performance by Jonathan Hadary. Neither suffering nor moralizing are the subject matter here. As Is deals with emotion and the bonds between people - those that last and those that wither. It is a touching tribute to the resiliency of the human spirit and a play for everyone."

Chris plays "Pickup #2" - a man whom Rich meets at a bar. Rich doesn't know how to tell prospective partners he has AIDS, and ends up letting Chris Owens' character believe that they can't be together because there's another man.

Click on the thumbnail to get a bigger image.

A short clip of Chris' scene in As Is [6.9 Mb]

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