Amber's Excellent Adventure

[Chris with Amber and her friends]

by Amber

After meeting Nick Lea twice on the streets of Vancouver and attending the X- Files benefit "The Cure Is Out There," my friends Kris, Kate and I decided it was time to head back to the hotel. Kris began to walk the wrong way even though I had yelled at her twice about it. But, in the end, it all worked out for the best!

[Nick Lea] As we walked along talking about the night's events, practically walking on air, I recognize a street and suggest we walk down it to get to the hotel faster. So as we turned the corner, who should we look up to see but Nick Lea and Chris Owens, walking down the steps of the hotel in front of us. I immediately stopped and swore that we were not stalking them. They stopped, smiled and let us approach. Nick said, "No, you guys are cool. We just had to get out of there you know?" We nodded in agreement. As Nick began to walk away, I called after him, "Nick, can I get you to sign an autograph for Kate? Kris and I both have one, but Kater doesn't." So he said sure, and came back to talk to us.

While Kris was talking to Chris about his wonderful taste in shoes, Nick signed an autograph for Kate and I talked to him about Once A Thief. We also talked about how his agent smokes like a chimney. Or was that Chris' agent? I can't recall. We flirted heavily with both Chris and Nick. Both have very nice smiles and look even better in person than they do on screen. I was mentioning how Chris looks on screen does not do him any justice.

We then asked for autographs from Chris, and pictures with the duo. First Nick took a fuzzy picture of me with Chris, then he took a very nice group shot. Then Chris stepped behind the camera and took a shot of us with Nick. At the end of the meeting, we spent about two minutes thanking them generously for stopping and spending a bit of time with us. It is definitely something that we will never forget!

[photo of Chris by Nick Lea] [photo of Nick with his fans, by Chris Owens]

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