Quotes & Comments

Last updated March 19, 1999

A collection of comments on Spender and Chris Owens, culled from all over. (Want yours here? E-mail me!)

XFFSonic, March 7, 1999, AOL XF Forum:

Here I am, one day past the SAGs and still glowing :-) Talked to Chris and shook his hand....he is THE nicest guy! He also let me know that Nick Lea should know today if he got the part for Harsh Realm, and Chris himself would be reading for a part on the show today as well.

Mike Maturen, February 5, 1999:

Just wanted to let you know that I had the chance to chat with Chris Owens in person tonight...and he is an incredibly nice person. He spent time chatting with my kids, as well.

He was at a Detroit Vipers hockey game, and he was signing autographs in between periods. He was very patient and cordial to everyone.

Michelle Erica Green's review of "One Son," Mania, February, 1999

Archie's Review of "Two Fathers," February 8, 1999:

Chris Owens as Spender learning the truth about what's been going on is excellent. Gee, for a second there, I was actually feeling sorry for the guy. We finally get to see that side of him ("Don't cry, Jeffrey") that we never got to see in all his pain-in-the-neck episodes.

Audrey, January 14, 1999, alt.tv.x-files:

Aw...I hate him so much, I like him. He adds something new to the show...anyways, if they kill him off, I hope they dont kill the actor, he's too good to lose.

ToM, In Defense of "Weasel Boy," Fall 1998, AOL XF Discussion Board

Ken Tucker, November 13, 1998, Entertainment Weekly:

In the crackerjack sixth-season premiere, the FBI's X-Files division has been taken over by the anti-Mulder-and-Scully, agent Spender (the gloriously stiff-necked Chris Owens) and the mysterious Fowley (the perennially pained-looking Mimi Rogers).

Coleen Sullivan-Baier, November 23, 1998, alt.tv.x-files:

And hate Spender as we may (and we ARE supposed to hate him)... but isn't Chris Owens a fine actor?? His sadly sweet Mutato was FAR different from the stick-up-his-ass Spender, and different again from the dedicated Nazi.

I think this guy is a keeper.

Audrey, November 24, 1998, alt.tv.x-files:

On a different still Spenderish topic, I gotta say that I detest Spender, but admire Chris Owens, the actor. I started liking Chris when I saw PMP for the fifth time....and finally figured out that Chris Owens was the Great Mutato... Watching him dance in Dr. Pollidori's (sp?) and Elizabeth's house made me see what a great range of acting this guy has...I tried to imagine Spender and young CSM dancing around to Cher (c'mon...try it...) and started to crack up, partially because it'd be a totally absurd sight (even more absurd than a two-headed lumpy creature doing it) and partially because I could hardly imagine it.

Kimba, November 24, 1998, alt.tv.x-files:

Chris Owens rules! Wonderful ....just the right touch of innocence and pathos for the "monster."

Just the right amount of arrogance, and whine for Spender... Weasel Rat Bastard ! And what a delightfully slimy Nazi he made!

Just the right amount of coldness for young CSM....

Angela M. Gulick, November 28, 1998, alt.tv.x-files:

I see a lot of Jeffrey Spender bashing on this newsgroup and rightly so. However, I do think that the acting of Chris Owens is what makes us hate Spender so. I found out by accident that it was Chris Owens who was also the one behind all the makeup and bumps and two mouths of Mr. Mutato. Mr. Mutato's soliloquy at the end of that episode still breaks my heart, and his joyous dancing at seeing his "dream girl" singing to him is wonderful. For all Jeffrey Spender's ickiness, Chris Owens' Mr. Mutato/Young Cancer Man/Jeffrey Spender versatility deserves praise, I think.

Stacey O, November 28, 1998, alt.tv.x-files:

Chris Owens is a class act and a pretty damn good actor.

Eastsider, November 28, 1998, alt.tv.x-files:

I do hope his character is kept around for awhile. He's a good contrast to Mulder - the insignificant 'little brother' who's wet behind the ears & always trying to prove he's better than his older(?), wiser 'big brother'. And he's envious of Mulder's talents, though he derides him at every opportunity. However, my little voice tells me that Spender's time on this planet (& series) will be short. His end will come either by the hand of his father, Mulder, or maybe even his own. Geez, do I sound like some kind of cheap psychic?

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