The Cigarette-Smoking Man - Spender's Father

The Cigarette-Smoking Man
"Tena, darling, that Cassandra hussy meant nothing to me, I swear..."

Spender's father is the shadowy figure known as the Cigarette-Smoking Man (AKA "C.G.B. Spender"). Growing up, Jeffrey never knew his father. Now, he doesn't want to. When CSM wrote his son a letter in "The Red In the Black," Spender returned it unopened. CSM was genuinely dismayed; it seems he now wants a relationship with his son.

At any rate, CSM did not give up. In "The End," he pulls strings to put Spender in charge of the FBI team investigating the Gibson Praise assassination attempt. CSM even approaches his son in person, offering to help his career, and finally reveals that he is Spender's father. Spender is obviously shocked to hear this, but before he can react, the fire alarm goes off - Mulder's office is ablaze.

Eventually, however, Spender does agree to work with his father. Perhaps it's ambition: CSM can open doors for his son. Perhaps CSM convinces Jeffrey that his cause is just. Or maybe it's only that, with his mother gone, he didn't have anyone else.

At any rate, Spender soon discovers that he's made a deal with the devil. Dad slaps him around and tells him he's nothing compared to Fox Mulder. And he's expected to kill on his father's say-so. When he finds out CSM is responsible for Cassandra's abductions, it's the final straw. He tells his father to take a hike - and CSM shoots him.

Or does he? We see the gun raised, and hear a shot fired, but we don't see what happened. And apparently no body or blood is ever found. Stay tuned.

A transcript of the letter CSM wrote to Spender:

(The text in red is from "The Red and the Black" script. The rest is from the aired episode.)

Dear Son,

I hope this letter finds you well. I get reports of you from time.... to time and follow your progress with great interest.

....I know these letters come as a surprise. You must wonder about me.... after all that's happened. But time is passing quickly. I fear you will be put off course and stray from your destiny.

....I remind myself of a Navajo story learned during my young career. It is called Where The Two Came To Their Father. Twin war gods come to their father seeking magic and weapons to eliminate the monsters of the world.

.....My hope is the same for you, and that we might reconcile the differences between us.

Your Loving Father,

(If CSM is the father, and Spender is one of the twin gods, who is the other one? Mulder? Sounds like CSM is hoping Spender and Mulder will band together against the invading aliens.)

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