Chris Owens Interview:

Good Morning Australia

[Transcribed by Monica]

Chris Owens was interviewed via satellite on Feb. 26, 1999, by Bert Newton on Channel 10's Good Morning Australia. I missed the first couple of questions (and would have missed the rest if a friend hadn't had dragged my a$$ out of bed to call me and tell me ), but the remainder were....

Bert: How'd it come into your life...the show?

Chris: Um, I moved to Vancouver from Toronto several years ago and auditioned there, and I played the Cigarette Smoking Man when he was younger.

Bert: That's right. That's right.

Chris: That was my first taste.

Bert: So you've moved production, haven't you, from Canada to the States itself?

Chris: Yes. And now I'm living in Los Angeles and we're working at the Fox studios.

Bert: So what's the difference? Is it for the better, do you believe?

Chris: Well Vancouver had a great crew, uh, they were like a family. It's a beautiful city to shoot in. Los Angeles also has an exceptional crew here so, uh... You know when you get in front of the cameras it's the same job. I guess the main difference here is location.

Bert: There seems to be a terrific chemistry in the show itself. I mean the manner in which it's shot and the atmosphere that's created is fantastic, but also the with the leads and the people we know regularly on the show, there is that wonderful chemistry, isn't there?

Chris: Oh, there is. Working with David and Gillian,'s such a treat as an actor. You know you wait your whole career to be able to work on a show in which, uh, the actors are at that kind of level and, uh, they have a wonderful rapport. Plus the writing on the show is so interesting as an actor, so it's great to try different things every week.

Bert: Gotta mention it because's made so much press, both in America and here...the rumour - obviously unfounded - that you're being groomed to replace David. What would you like to say about that?

Chris: What, and learn all those lines? Are you kidding? [nice smile here] No, um...actually David had a hand in, uh, in getting me on the show. He suggested to Chris Carter that he might be able to use me a bit more, when I was playing this two-headed fellow called The Great Mutato. So, um, I think if anything I owe David a beer.

Bert: So...I mean there's no truth in the rumour whatsoever?

Chris: No. I mean to me X-FILES is Mulder and Scully's journey through the paranormal. I'm just, uh, you know, another character.

Bert: You weren't the first in the family to do X-FILES. Your sister Shelly...ah...beat you to it didn't she?

Chris: Yes indeed, that's very true. [Nice smile and head nodding at this point! if surprised it was known] I think she was, ah, in episode seven, I think, in the first season. [They showed a clip from this episode. Shelly was the pregnant girl Mulder and Scully met in the library in the ep 'Conduit'.]

Bert: And how long did you wait before doing your bit in the show?

Chris:: I think I came in toward the end of season four, for the first time.

Bert: Right. What were you doing before X-FILES? Just give us a precise of your career up until X-FILES when all of a sudden we caught up on you.

Chris: Yes it would seem I've been plucked from the street. But, uh, in Canada I worked...I did a lot of episodic work and movies of the week, and a lot of theatre, a lot of bar tending, a lot of waitering, a lot of odd jobs. Uh, and then in Vancouver as well I did some episodic work there. So, you know, about, I don't know, 40 shows all together.

Bert: Just put a career price on it. When all of a sudden, you get into a show like X-FILES, what does it do career-wise?

Chris: Well, of course, ah, especially here in the States it's, and face recognition is so important for, uh, the opportunity to work some more. And, um, as an actor that's what your looking for, is the chance to do, you know, the next job. So, uh, it''s a wonderful opportunity for me, uh, the exposure's incredible. I thank my lucky stars to be on a show like this.

Bert: It's been great talking to you. Continued success, congratulations on all that's happened so far. We really appreciate your time, Chris, and look forward to meeting you sometime here in Australia.

Chris: I would enjoy that Bert, thanks very much.

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