Stephanie's Chris Owens Encounter

Stephanie with Chris

To be 15 and have achieved one of your dreams in life is quite an accomplishment in my book. In February of 1999, I had the extreme pleasure of meeting Chris Owens. He was at the FOX 17 Family Fair (A local event held every year).

3 of my friends and I had to sit through a church service before we were allowed to take off for the auditorium where he was, and let me tell you that it was the longest service I have ever been to in my life!

So, eventually, we got to the auditorium, and of course, we JETTED towards Chris. The line was rather long, but nothing can keep these X-philes down! Some lady asked me where I got my t-shirt, who was an obvious fan herself...I am the biggest fan out our group of 4 which attended, and it was determined that I should talk to him first, and introduce everyone...well, once we got up to him, all that was blown to heck. We walked up, and I had the official magazine with the Great Mutato on the front of it, and I said "Hi!". He stood up and saw all of our X-Files t-shirts, and my friend's hat and said "YESS!" I'm taking it that he was happy to see some real fans :-) We asked him if we could have a photo with him, and he said "sure!", so we all cuddled around him, and he put his arm around me...I thought what the heck, this is my one and only chance...and put my arm around him. In the picture I'm the one in the black shirt on HIS direct left, the viewer of the picture's right. My mom took a bunch of picture's for us, and then it was time to get down to business . I tried to act cool, but my legs were shaking terribly bad. One of my friends told him about my web page, and we told him that we really liked his character and all...he signed one of my friends shirt, my magazine, another magazine of my friends, and a few other things. We were probably up talking to him for a total of 10 minutes. When he asked me my name to sign it, I took a minute, and then remembered and said "Stephanie" friends told me that I looked really pale, and that they could see me shaking (!). Right before we left, he stood up and shook MY hand, and said "thanks for coming". It was absolutely fabulous.

Later, we saw him filming a promo for our local TV station, and he recognized us, and waved.

And what do ya know--the promo that he filmed right before he waved at us is the one that they used on TV, and you can see him turn and look towards us and raise his arm in the commercial.

Definitely a day to remember!

- Stephanie Johnson

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