Spender Sound Files

Last updated March 6, 1999

These WAVs courtesy of Kristina.

[Click Here] But they've been here for fifty years! Krycek and Spender from "One Son."  (66k)

[Click Here] I'd like to build a reputation here, not be given one. From "Patient X."  (72k)

[Click Here] Keeping Fox Mulder down is not a job, it's your dirty work! From "Two Fathers."  (58k)

[Click Here] I need to know! From "Two Fathers."  (19k)

[Click Here] I'm keeping you here because you're safe here. From "One Son."  (50k)

[Click Here] Crystal. Scully & Spender from "Triangle."  (167k)

[Click Here] This is going to sound weird... From "Patient X."  (33k)

[Click Here] Don't let yourself be used. From "The Red and the Black."  (31k)

[Click Here] You okay, Agent Scully? Scully & Spender from "Triangle."  (120k)

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