A Maneka Gandhi fan page
A small web page for Maneka Gandhi, India's first green politician.
Pictures with brief descriptions
A black & white picture
A more recent picture
During her tenure as minister in the V.P.Singh cabinet 1
During her tenure as minister in the V.P.Singh cabinet 2
During her tenure as minister in the V.P.Singh cabinet 3
During her tenure as minister in the V.P.Singh cabinet 4
During her tenure as minister in the V.P.Singh cabinet 5
During her tenure as minister in the V.P.Singh cabinet 6
Contributed by a visitor
A close up - contributed by a visitor
In a red sari - contributed by a visitor
Another picture in a red sari - contributed by a visitor
Links to other sites on the Web with material on Maneka
Interview with
A small newsstory on
A small note on Maneka
Biographical note
Artice in Week on Priyanka and Varun Gandhi
Pet column
I would love more pictures of Maneka Gandhi.
If you have any, please email them to me at the address below.
[email protected]
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