I think it is time the web had a page devoted to the greatest woman tennis
player the world has seen so far. So here goes....
I would like to add that I am in no way related to Martina. Nor am
in contact with her. Please don't send me email asking for any details
about her. Practically all that I know about her is on this site
or one of the sites linked to this page.
�Some Pictures
A young Martina at Wimbledon
Picking up a blade of grass after her last Wimbledon game
A black and white photo
A picture of concentration
A legend leaves....
Lunging to reach a ball
What an athlete!
A wonderful photograph
At the French Open, 1984
Martina with Chris after a match
Front cover of "The Lives and Times of Martina Navratilova" by Adrianne Blue
Back cover of "The Lives and Times of Martina Navratilova"
Cleaning her glasses with her skirt
Wimbledon 1979
Wimbledon 1982
Wimbledon 1979
Wimbledon 1982
Wimbledon 1992
Wimbledon 1994
Playing doubles
Return of service
On the cover of Tennis Magazine
Wimbledon 1978
Wimbledon 1990
Backhand return
Wearing a headband
In the powerbook ad
Wearing a red shirt
A picture from Virginia Wade's book
Wimbledon 1983
Wimbledon 1983 again
The other Martina!
�Some Links
A comprehensive, excellent site
From the Tennis Magazine
An article on her retirement
A web page
for her
A rare picture of a
young Martina
The cover of Love Match: Nelson vs. Navratilova
A right wing anti-gay site
Womens Sports Legends
A Tennis webpage with lots of links
A b/w picture showing
Martina's strength and grace
A color picture showing
Martina's strength and grace
Martina elected to the Hall of Fame
Martina elected to the Hall of Fame
Alan Cook's website
with some of his photos
Salon website with an article on Martina in their Brilliant Careers series
Email me on:
[email protected]
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