
Armageddon (Dir: Michael Bay, 1998, US) Action thriller

Remember the 1979 Sean Connery flick Meteor? A dreadful movie by all accounts with an, ahem, rock-solid premise. Huge boulder swooping towards the earth; Those on terra firma have to do something about it while chunks of the rock burn through the atmosphere and turn under-populated areas to smoking craters.

With a rather large rock currently heading in our general direction, Hollywood was quick to jump on the bandwagon, keen to take the premise, throw lots of money at it and hopefully cash in. Deep Impact, the first of the year's meteor remakes I've not seen, nor want to. It had one of the longest trailers of the year which usually means it's a stinker and the producers are desperate to persuade Joe Public that what they have is actually quite good if we'd only give it a chance. From the outset, Armageddon was the killer rock movie for me. Even the slagging the 50 minute trailer received at Cannes wouldn't deter me. With Bruce Willis starring, Michael Bay (maker of The Rock - a better title surely) directing and even Jerry (Top Gun) Bruckheimer producing, this looked like good value for money. Now bearing in mind I went to see this on my 30th birthday, I wanted something good to commemorate the occasion, and Armageddon delivered - in spades. The plot is completely over-the-top but the fact that two spaces shuttles have to sling shot around the moon, weave in and out of stray rock fragments, land on the thing and then blow it up is so outrageous, you can't help but admire the writer's front. Great special effects, a fine turn from Willis - whose