The Nothing

Years later

Strontium City, West Coast of America.


Thousands of them.

For the old woman, it would have been impossible to find the one she was after without spending the rest of the day being seduced by the well illustrated covers and luscious type. A diagram by the stairs was no doubt handy for those who could read the font or understand the plan so she opted for the easiest route. The pensioner adjusted the camera around her neck and approached the shop counter.

"Excuse me, Miss. I'm touring the area and wondered if you had any guides to Strontium City."

"Hmmm." Moire, a plain-looking girl with fire in her eyes, smiled and pulled out a book from behind the counter then started reading. "Miller's 1989 guide to North West America describes the aforementioned as: Industrial town just outside the coastal town of Midgard. Key features: The lively nightlife, Stacatto's coffee shop, O'Mally's Tabernacle Bar, friendly population and convenience for the coast. Very popular with t ourists and film-makers alike." Moire laughed at the book and put in back under her counter.

"Liars," she grinned.

The tourist looked shocked and Moire smiled sweetly in return. "The night life isn't that lively," she winked.

What happened next was a common occurrence in the place called Hell's Gate. An explosion sent the old woman forward and hurled the younger back.

"Jesus." she screamed as Moire hit the shelf.

Alarms everywhere. The sound of sirens and screams down the street.

"What the hell was that?"

Panic everywhere. Running, screaming. Chaos.

"Another bomb by the sound." Moire helped the old woman up from the pile of books.

A fat man sighed and helped the fallen.

" Damn new age terrorists." Jake, her overweight manager cursed.

The Nothing 1 The Nothing 2 The Nothing 4