Project A-ko
Two new students at Gravitron High School for Girls, A-ko and C-ko, have just arrived for their first day. Already starting a tardy streak, the two join their new class. C-ko, a highly annoying, little punk who cries and screams all day soon becomes the object of brilliant B-ko's desire. But C-ko is inseperable from A-ko, and thus the brilliant B-ko begins the warfare. Constantly developing new weapons, robots, and her super powered battlesuit, B-ko attempts to take C-ko away by force. Her favorite and most effective weapons are her Akagiyama Missiles. Too bad for B-ko though, A-ko has superhuman powers and consistently thwarts B-ko's attempts to steal away C-ko. The fighting goes on, but enter new problems. Alien invaders have come in search of their princess, C-ko. Project A-ko is definitely a good series to see.

Click on the thumbnails to view the full-sized versions




B-ko in Her Battlesuit

The Mysterious D

A-ko, B-ko, and C-ko

A-ko, B-ko, and C-ko

A-ko and Liza

Project A-ko: Final

Project A-ko Soundtrack 1

Project A-ko Soundtrack 3

Project A-ko 1

Project A-ko 2

Project A-ko 3

Project A-ko 4

Versus Battle 1

Versus Battle 2

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