In the future, evil lurks throughout the city. Awakened in this time of need, Cutey Honey, Lovely Warrior, fights the evil with her super powers. With the ability to transform and change her appearance, she also gains powers associated with each appearance. Her true nature is revealed after the first few episodes which helps to explain her extraordinary powers. She moves into the residence of Chokkei and his family, and she lives her normal life as a blonde haired girl. But when confronted with evil she uses her Honey Flash technique to change into her different appearances, most often Lovely Warrior.

Click on the thumbnails to view the full-sized versions

Lovely Warrior Cutey Honey

Honey in Everyday Life

Honey Kickin Butt

Biker Honey

Honey and Chokkei

Honey, Chokkei, and Grandpa


A Cutey Honey Poster

Cutey Honey Volume 1

Cutey Honey Volume 2

Cutey Honey Volume 3

Cutey Honey Volume 4

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