Bill Murray: The Classic Covers Gallery

ewbill.jpg (13687 bytes)           moviegoer_bill.jpg (12541 bytes)
(#1) Bill Murray on Entertainmeant Weekly 1993 March issue cover. (Featured Article:"Triumph of the Bill.")
(#2) Murray on Moviegoer cover (1984).

rolling_snl.jpg (92528 bytes)            snl_magamzine.jpg (349098 bytes)
(#1) Rolling Stone Magazine salutes the Saturday Night Live cast.
(#2) TV Guide (1978) featuring the cast of SNL on the cover.

rolling_bill1.jpg (82295 bytes)           rolling_bill2.jpg (91038 bytes)
(#1) The 1984 issue of Rolling Stone
(#2) The 1981 issu of Rolling Stone: Murray Hits The Beach

esquire2.jpg (358952 bytes)           premiere_bill.jpg (56685 bytes)
(#1) Esquire Magazine: Murray Christmas (December 1998)
(#2) Premiere Magazine with Murray and Geena Davis on the cover. (1990)

movies_maga.jpg (36146 bytes)
Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and the Ghost on Movies Magazine cover of 1989.

magazine3.jpg (15871 bytes)               gb2-magazine.jpg (40028 bytes)
(#1) A Time magazine which is featured in the blockbuster, Ghostbusters (1984).
(#2) "Return Of The Money-Making Slime" by Patrick Goldstein (Rolling Stone magazine, 1 June 1989)

magazine1.jpg (13071 bytes)              magazine2.jpg (18620 bytes)
The above covers are both taken from Ghostbusters (1984).
(Left) USA Today, (Right) New York Post

Life Magazine, Jan 1985.gif (213550 bytes)                  x-files.jpg (12737 bytes)
(#1) Life Magazine, Jan 1985
(#2) Bill Murray on X-Files magazine??  There's even an article called "Bill Murray v.s. Gozilla" in it!  (Click here to go to the article)  

Bill in magazine.jpg (12984 bytes)                 magazine5.jpg (17225 bytes)
(#1) Taken from the cover of Starlog issue 140. (Click here)
(#2) From Ghostbusters (Globe)

               magazine4.jpg (14291 bytes)                busting  in chinatown.jpg (36765 bytes)
(#1) Again, from Ghostbusters, but this time, it's Bill's cartoon on the cover. (The Atlantic)
(#2) A cover photo originally used for the cover of the New York Post above.

More magazine or newspaper covers will be posted on this page.   E-mail to [email protected] if you got some covers from any magazines and the fake magazine cover from Stripes.

A nice page, huh?