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Father Ted On Video

Photo of Ted, Dougal, Jack and Mrs.Doyle

Autographed Cast Photo

Craggy Island Goes Online

The Sounds Of Craggy Island

The Parochial House

Gareth's Father Ted Site

Ted is tapping with one finger on the keyboard of their new PC

TED:"Look, Dougal! There's a WebRing here dedicated to me, with my name and my picture on it!"
DOUGAL: "Oh wow!"

Ted looks at Dougal sceptically

TED: "Do you actually know what a WebRing is, Dougal?"
DOUGAL: "Ah, no, Ted."

Ted gathers his thoughts

TED: "Well, you see, it's when a whole bunch of people are fans of someone. Someone they really love and respect. You know, someone really inspiring... someone who is really important in their lives... and they each create a website that is a kind of an on-line tribute to that person. Then they link their websites together in a sort of a loop, so that all the Internet surfers can visit all the other sites too.
DOUGAL: "Ah, right."

Ted looks a little surprised, but pleased he has explained it all so well

TED: "You understand what I mean, Dougal?"
DOUGAL: "Yes, Ted."
TED: "You really do?"
DOUGAL: "No, Ted."

Ted sighs and looks around for inspiration

TED: "Well, you know how when Father Jack goes on a pub crawl and he ends up back where he started from?"
DOUGAL: "Ah, yes, Ted. He goes all the way around the island, getting thrown out of every pub. Then sometimes he goes around again."
TED: "Yes, Dougal. Well, it's kind of like that. Only of course the 'surfers' don't get into quite so many fights on their way around."
DOUGAL: "Ahhhh, yes. Why's that then, Ted?"

Ted forces a smile* but is saved by the rattle of tea cups. Mrs. Doyle enters with a tray full of tea and sandwiches

MRS. DOYLE: "Hello, Fathers!"
TED: "Ah, hello there, Mrs. Doyle. I was just showing Father Dougal something interesting on the old Internet."

Mrs.Doyle grimaces

MRS. DOYLE: "Oh, I wouldn't be interested in that Internet, Father. I hear it's full of filth. Disgusting, lewd pictures of all sorts of terrible, terrible debaucheries."
TED: "Well, no* actually there are thousands of fascinating sites to visit and there are very few 'racey' websites."
MRS. DOYLE: "No, no, I heard you couldn't move for sex on the Internet. Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex. All kinds of sex, all kinds of positions, all kinds of perversions."
TED: "Yes, ok, Mrs.Doyle. Thank you. Didn't you say you were going to replace the guttering on the roof today?"
MRS. DOYLE: "Oh, right so. "

Mrs.Doyle returns to the kitchen, still carrying her full tray of tea and sandwiches

JACK: "In-Ter-Net!!!
TED: "Yes, Jack., 'Internet'.
JACK: "Girls!!!"
TED: "Yes, yes, thank you, Jack."


Ted's Poster Sale - All proceeds to the orphans*
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* All monies from the sale of Ted's posters will go to the orphans, less any expenses incurred and after resting in an off shore account for a little while.