
Period CostumeNudity - ooer! Rufus Sewell: 30%, Steven Waddington: 30%, Sam West: 20%, Jeremy Northam: 10%

A poignant story of unrequited love in the Bloomsbury set of the 1920s. Everyone delivers brilliantly understated performances, especially Emma Thompson in the title role. Although it does seem massively unfair that she manages to attract 4 BluShers through the film! Locations range from grimy London bedsits to rolling English countryside. The script is pithy, dry and witty and the whole film is done with a great deal of honesty and style.

Extra: Rufus plays the artist Mark Gertler and his carousel picture can be seen in the Tate Modern, London.

Reviewed by Oscarina, Blueshirt Tailor

Well, I'm sorry, but this tailor has to disagree. Maybe it was the sheer length of the film, combined with the fact that I saw it at a late night preview, but I found it tedious beyond belief. Emma Thompson proves unaccountably fascinating to every man she meets, despite her odd pudding-bowl hairdo. Probably the worst idea was dividing the film into segments - when the fourth or fifth one begins, just as you think you've reached the end, you start to consider asking your neighbour to smother you. Still, a plus point is that it contains many good-looking men. And Jonathan Pryce.

Reviewed by K, Blueshirt Tailor